Where Are You Part 1

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I was up making breakfast for myself, Obito, and the kids before he had to go to work at the Hokage office and the triplets had to go to the academy. Obito had become the sixth Hokage when we were twenty-two and two years later I ended up having the triplets.

We aren't the only ones who have kids though. Stone has two twin boys named Ryker and Ryan, Rin and Konan have a daughter named Aoi, Nagato and Yahiko have twin boys named Hikaru and Hikari.

Even Itachi and Deidara have kids. Their daughter Amber who they adopted and their own twins Hayato and Luna. I couldn't ask for a better life. I'm so grateful for everything Obito has done for me.

"Morning my love". Obito said as he wrapped his arms around me and placed his chin on my shoulder as I cooked. "Morning Obi". I said with a smile on my face. "How'd you sleep"? "Good, thank you for asking". "No nightmares"? "Nope". "Good".

"Morning daddy, morning papa". Our kids said as they came downstairs. They were five. "Morning my loves". I said. Obito kissed my cheek then made his way over to them and started playing with them. I listened to the three of them shriek with laughter as their daddy threw them in the air and caught them.

I fixed the kids their plates first then their dads. I poured Obito a cup of coffee and fixed it the way he liked then poured the kids each a glass of juice. After that, I fixed myself a plate of food and cup of coffee and placed everything on the table.

The five of us sat down together and ate happily. "Did the three of you finish your assignments last night"? I asked. "Yes sir". "What are you learning right now"? Obito asked.

"Different chakra natures. Can you help us with our Fire style when your not busy"? Ace asked. "I will never be too busy for the three of you. I can show you after school". "How"? Storm asked. "Bye leaving a shadow clone at the office". The three of them smiled at that.

After we were all done eating Obito and I got the kids dressed for school and took them there together. They smiled the whole way there and hugged us both tight. "Have a good day and play nice, I'll be here to pick you up ok". "Ok papa, love you. Love you, daddy". They gave us each a kiss on the cheek and headed inside.

"Have a good day at work, my lord". I said pecking his lips. "I will but it'll be hard considering I'll be thinking about you all day". He kissed me, pulled away gave me a smile then left.


As soon as I had made it to my office the shadow clone I had there doing my work for me disappeared. I always did make my shadow clones take over my responsibilities as Hokags for me when I needed to be home with Kakashi and the kids.

Being Hokage was my dream and I loved it but I also loved my family and wanted to be there for them. I made my way behind my desk and continued to the work my clone had been doing.

He was going over reports from other villages, apparently there have been new tailed beasts that had been sighted and we needed to figure out what to do with them. Personally I would say just leave them be but I know the other Kage wouldn't share my opinion.

I put that to the side for now and went over missions I could send my ninjas on. There were a bunch of odd jobs I could give my genin teams while their sensei's were out on missions. A smile grew on my face as I thought about my little one's going on missions. If they're anything like their papa and I, I know they'll be fine.

Their were also a lot of B and A rank missions but the mission that thought my eye the most was an A rank mission that required a highly skilled group of ninja to complete. Normally I would send my anbu alone but I couldn't help but think they would need backup.

Given the location and skill requirement needed for this kind of mission there's only one person I knew who would be able to complete it successfully. I took out my phone and called him.

Husband: Yes love

Obito: I need to talk to you about something. Think you can stop my the office right quick.

Husband: Sure thing, I'll be there in a sec

Obito: Thanks love.

I hung up the phone and a few seconds later he had kamuied himself into my office. He saw the look in my eyes and knew right away this was serious. "Yes my lord". "I'm sending you and one of the anbu teams on a recovery mission.

There's been a group of kids that have been kidnapped. I'm sending you and a Anbu team to hunt down their kidnappers and bring them home safe". "Are you aware of their abilities". "Yes their masters of genjutsu and taijutsu. Your the only one I trust to handle this.

I don't want any casualties for this mission. You are to capture the childrens kidnappers and only use deadly force when absolutely necessary". I said handing him the scroll.

"You have my word I'll complete it successfully my lord". He said taking it from me but I didn't let it go. He looked at me confused then smiled. "I promise ima come home to you and the kids safe". "You better". I let the scrool go and he bowed to me before kamuiing home.

Why do I have a bad feeling about this

I looked down at my desk and saw the tailed beasts reports that I had put down earlier. I picked them up and looked at them solemnly.

I can't allow other kids to go through what Naruto and Gaara had to endure. I also can't allow any one to hurt the remaining tailed beasts. They've done nothing wrong.

I put the papers down then picked up my phone and called someone.

Shikaku: Yes lord Hokage

Obito: Please come by my office.

Shikaku: Yes sir

I hung up and a few minutes later there was a knock at my door.

"Come in". He died as told and bowed to me before speaking. "You wanted to see me sir"? "I did, thank you for coming on short notice". "Anytime". "Can you have Shizune set up a meeting with the rest of the Kage? We need to discuss the new tailed beast situation and I need you there with me as my advisor". "Of course sir". He bowed to me again then left.

I met Kakashi at the academy gate when it was time to pick up the kids. I had left a clone at the office and snuck out the window before anyone could see. Stone, Nagato and Rin were also here to pick up their kids. The bell rang and all of the kids came rushing out and ran over to their parents or older siblings.

Our kids eyes light up the second they saw us and ran over to us right away while talking us into a hug. "Had a good day at school". They nodded their heads while smiling. "Did you learn anything new"? Kashi asked. "No but we did beat Hikaru, Hikari and Aoi in sparing matches". Storm said.

"Good job, I'm proud of you three". "We both are". Kashi said smiling. "Now let's get going". We put them down and headed home together. Once there Kakashi started on dinner while I took the kids out to the backyard and showed them differnt fire styles.

Word Count. 1320

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