The Promised Neverland Part 2

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Obito, Rin, and I were cleaning up along with the rest of the kids. Obito and I were washing dishes when we heard a loud scream coming from the dining room. We immediately rushed over and realized it was Rin. "What's going on"? I asked.

"Connie forgot little bunny". "There's still time, the light to the gate is still on". Obito said. "But papa said were not allowed to leave the house at night". "Well, then we'll both just gonna have to get in trouble". I said giving her a reassuring smile which made her smile.

The two of us left and headed down the hill. I could see papa making his way back and immediately grabbed Rin by the arm making a detour. She was surprised at first but followed me regardless. There was an open field leading from the house to the gate so we had to use the shade from the night to cover us while we ran around him. It took longer than it was supposed to but we eventually made it there.

The lights were still on and I could see a truck in the driveway. I could hear a man talking but what concerned me the most was Connie crying, before I had the chance to try and see what was going on I heard a loud gunshot that shook me to my core.

We both stared in disbelief as Connie's body fell from the corner and blood leaked out of her. Rin let out a small squeak but I was able to quickly cover her mouth. "Hey did you hear something"? One of the men asked. "It sounded like it came from the truck". The other man said. I took Rin by the hand and quickly ran back to the house with her.

The two of us sat quietly in our room together and talked softly while everyone slept. "What we saw wasn't real. It couldn't have been. Papa loves us. He wouldn't give us away just to have us killed". She said in a low voice while hugging her legs. I went to her and took her in my arms.

"I'm afraid it was. They killed Connie after papa left". "Have we been living here this whole time just to end up dead"? "Let's escape Rin, we'll get out of here. That's right, between you, me, and Obito-". "And the others. What about them? We can't leave them. If we do they'll all be killed for sure.

I can't take it. I don't wanna lose any more family". She said crying softly. "And you won't have to. Try not to worry. We'll flee, all of us". I said smiling. "Really? But how? How can a whole bunch of kids run away from those monsters"?........"Strategy"? "Like when we played tag". "Mhm, we'll find a solution where all of us survives".


It was early in the morning as I cooked breakfast for me and my son Stone. He was eleven years old and the most important thing to me. Originally I had six kids all together but the other five had went missing along with their papa, my husband Hashirama.

Hashirama pops up and comes back home every now and then but before we have the chance to talk about everything he disappears on me again. Some of the other officers have accused him of kidnapping our other kids but I know that's not true. Hashi would never do that to me. I know something happened to him.

I just hope him and the kids are safe wherever they are. "Morning dad". Stone said coming downstairs. "Morning Stone. Do you have all your homework finished"? "Yes sir". He said taking a seat at the table. I fixed both our plates and sat down with him. He drank orange juice while I drank a hot cup of coffee.

"How did you sleep"? "Not good. I had another dream about Obito". Obito is twin brother. "Why didn't you come wake me"? "I didn't want to worry you plus I know how late you have to work sometimes". He said looking down into his plate. "Stone listen to me". He looked up from his plate.

"I don't care how tired I am from my job. Nothing and I mean nothing will ever be more important than you". "Thanks dad". "You're welcome".

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