My Jinjuriki Lover Part 5

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I woke up feeling nothing but dread. Today wasn't a good day for me. Today was my father's birthday. This is the first birthday of his I'm going to spend without him. It hurt. It hurt so much. All I wanted was to wish him a happy birthday and go fishing with him but I couldn't.

I couldn't do that because he committed suicide a few months ago. I took a deep breath and breathed out before forcing myself out of bed. I did my hair, brushed my teeth and got dressed.

I walked with my hands in my pockets as always but this time I wasn't wandering around aimlessly, this time I knew exactly where I was going. People still gave me judgemental looks as I walked but I didn't care today. Today wasn't about me, it was about my dad.

I arrived at my destination and sat down on my legs in front of it. I looked sadly at the nameplate that read Sakumo Hatake and just sat there. A part of me had wished I had told Obito what I was doing today so he could be here as support but for some reason I didn't tell him.

"Hey dad, happy birthday. I know you probably didn't get that many visitors but there's no way I was going to leave you alone on today. A lot of things have happened that would probably make you and mom upset but I just want you both to know that I'm ok.

I still have Obito and Rin by my side so it's alright for the most part. I just wish you were still here. I wish you could've felt comfortable enough to let me in and know how you were feeling. I know it's because you didn't want me to worry but I can't help but think there's a way I could've helped make you feel better like you always made me feel better".

Flashback to when he was nine

I was in my room sitting by myself on my bed. Today wasn't a good day for me. Today was one of the days where I missed my mom more than ever. Nothing happened to trigger it, I just woke up missing her. I wasn't sure if it was normal for me to miss her considering I never met her but I did. I missed her so much.

The door to my room opened and my dad walked in. He made his way over to me and sat down next to me on my bed. "Your thinking of your mother, aren't you"? I nodded my head. "What do you want to know about her"? "Anything really".

"Well for starters when I met her her name was Lilly Inuzuka. We had met when we were both attending the Academy and became best friends right away. She had long black hair, brown eyes, pale wheat skin and a smile that could brighten up any room.

She was my whole world, there's absolutely nothing I wouldn't do for her. When she became pregnant with you you're all she would talk about. She bought so many baby clothes and toys for you I had to end up using my office as storage.

If I'm being honest you remind me a lot of her. You have the same kind heart she did". "I do"? "Mhm, just like her your always there for your friends and put there well-being ahead of your own. I admire that about you even though I wish you would allow yourself to put yourself first at times".

"I don't see that ever happening". "I know, your stubborn in that regard. You get it from me. Your mom would always chastise me for it". "I wish I could've gotten the chance to meet her just once". "I know but if it's any comfort she was the first one to hold you when you were born".

"She was"? "Mhm". "Thanks dad". "Your welcome Kakashi, don't forget I'll always be here for you. That's a promise". He said smiling.

End of flashback

"You weren't able to keep that promise to me though. I'm not mad at you, I know you weren't feeling good. I just really miss you". I said with tears in my eyes. "Yeah, I have Obito and lord Hashirama said I could call him papa and lord Madara dad but I can't help but feel alone at times.

I know I have a lot of people that care about me but I still miss you and mom like crazy. I just wish I could've had the chance to talk to you one more time. That's all I want. I just want the chance to tell you bye in person". I lowered my head and allowed my tears to fall freely.

"Hey there Kakashi". A voice said approaching me. I wish it would've been Obito that called out to me but it wasn't. It was the new kid Tenzo.

"Hey, Tenzo. What can I do for you". I said whipping my tears away with my sleeve. "Oh nothing really, just being nosy. I saw you here and thought I'd come say hi. So this is the infamous Sakumo Hatake huh"?

"Yeah, this is my dad. I'm suprised you heard of him already though". "Everyone knows of the decision he made. It's sad really. To make such a rash decision like that without even thinking about you is really terrible".

"What are you talking about"? I asked getting pissed. "If your dad would've just done his mission like he was supposed to then the village wouldn't have turned their backs on him and you wouldn't be an orphan or jinjuriki right now".

"How do you know that"? He was really pissing me off. "There's a lot of things I know about you". "Just because you heard about me from the villagers dosent mean you know the actual me". I said standing up.

"Your leaving already". "Yes because not only did you disrespect me, you disrespected my father at his grave. I don't care what you think of me but I will not stand by someone that's willingly being disrespectful for no reason. If you had any decency you'd apologize to him".

I bowed to him paying my respects. "We'll talk later dad". I left and took off to the towards the Uchiha district.


I was sitting alone in my room when I heard something hit my bedroom window. I turned and opened it and was shocked to see Kakashi there with tears running down his face. I motioned him to come up and he did.

I closed my window back up and he immediately tackled me into a hug. I was taken aback by this especially considering how much he was shaking. "Is it about your dad? I know todays his birthday, I would've came to you earlier but I wanted to give you some time alone".

"I wish you had. You might've been able to make Tenzo stop". "What did he do"? "I was at my dads grave talking to him then he showed up and started saying all kinds of terrible things about him. He said it's his fault I'm a orphan.

He said my dad should've thought more about me and prioritize the mission instead of helping his friend but I'm proud of what my dad did. If I had to prioritize you over a mission I would. Your my best friend Obi". He said crying into my chest.

I wrapped my arms around him and held him tight. "Don't listen to him, he dosent know what he's talking about. Your father was and still is an amazing person don't let anyone tell you differnt. I would also prioritize you over a mission any day". "You would"? "I would, I care a lot about you".

"Thank you Obi". "I'll go talk to him". "No, please just stay here with me". "Ok, I will". I spent the rest of the day in my room with him, simply just holding him.

Word Count. 1346

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