So Close Yet So Far Part 4

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Naruto slept peacefully beside me as the sun started to shine in through the window. I smiled down at him and gently brushed a few strands of hair out of his face. "Your home now". I whispered softly. He stirred a little and nuzzled closer to me.

The next thing I knew Mashi was throwing a paper ball at my head to get my attention. I turned and saw her smiling. "I'm happy for you". She whispered. "Thanks". I said smiling back.

"Mmm". "Morning sleepy head". "So it wasn't a dream"? "No it wasn't". "Thank you Sasuke". I leaned down and kissed his head. There was a knock on the door soon after.

"Come in". Mashi said. Our dads walked in and Naruto sat up right away. "Hey dad, papa". Mashi said smiling. "Naruto this is the real reason Mashi and I left the village. Meet our dads Madara and Hashirama Uchiha". "Whoa".


Tonight, I promise

Those were the last words Obito said to me before I woke up in my bed. I looked to the side of me and saw the space next to me was empty but I took comfort in knowing it wasn't going to stay empty after today.

Do you plan on telling him everything?

I have to. I don't want there to be any secrets between us

I climbed out of bed, went take my morning shower then got dressed and headed out. Seeing couples interact with each other didn't bother me anymore for some reason. I could only assume that was because I would be reunited with Obito later today.

Obito was alive. He was alive and still wanted me by his side. I won't have to feel alone anymore. He'll be there to take the pain away like he always has. I couldn't wait. I couldn't wait to see him and run into his big strong arms and have him hold me tight against his chest.

"Hey there senpai". My eye twitched in annoyance when I heard his voice. "Hello there Tenzo. What can I do for you"? "Nothing much, I saw you walking and thought I'd join you". "Thank you but no thank you. I want to be alone right now if that's alright".

"I wanted to continue our talk from yesterday. I have the feeling I upset you somehow and for that I'm sorry. It wasn't my intention at all". "You disrespected my boyfriend infront of me". "I apologize for that truly".

"Thank you then. Now may I go"? I could feel someone watching us from afar and had a good idea who it was. "Actually I was wondering if the two of us could go get something to eat together and talk". "I just told you I wanted to be left alone right now".

"I know but I really need to talk to you about this". "What is it"? "I've liked you for a long time now Kakashi. You were the first person to befriend me and it feels like you actually understand and care for me. I know you've been through a lot in the past.

You lost your teammates,  sensei and parents at a young age. That would be hard on anyone but I'm here to let you know that you don't have to suffer alone anymore. I'm here for you if you'll let me. I want to be the person that holds you at night, comforts you when you wake up from a nightmare.

The one that wipes away your tears when you feel like you're about to break. I want to remind you what it feels like to be loved by someone. I want to take care of you and treat you the way you deserve to be treated. Let me do that for you. Let me be your rock, your shoulder to cry on and your safe place to call home".

Is he out of his mind? There's no way I would ever want to be with him. Obito is the only person I want to be with. No one else.

"I'm flattered Tenzo but I don't feel the same way. I only see you as a good friend nothing else". "I'm sure your mind will change if you would just take a chance on me senpai". "I don't think it will my heart still belongs to him. No one else will have it".

"With all due respect, it's been seventeen years". "Yes and I still love him just as much as I did the day he was taken from me. I don't expect you to understand Tenzo but I do expect you to respect my decision.

I'm more than sure there's someone in the village that will love you the way you love them. That person just isn't me. I hope you have a nice day". I gave him a closed eye smile then walked off.

Are you ok

I'll be better when I see Obito again. Did you know he felt that way

I had a feeling but wasn't a hundred percent certain. You did the right thing don't ever doubt that. I know he's your friend but I seriously don't trust the guy

Why do you think I try to keep as much distance as I possibly can away from him?

That night I started packing. I placed all of my clothes into a bag along with a few pictures I had laying around my bedroom. There wasn't much I had considering it was just me that lived here. When I was done I closed the bag up, slung it over my shoulder and left out the window.

I traveled for about three miles into the forest until I saw him waiting for me onto a thick tree branch. I made my way over to him and immediately hugged him. He hugged me back right away as well. "This isn't a dream is it"?

"No, it's actually me. You're not dreaming". I smiled. "Let's go somewhere, I can tell your stressed". "Ok". He held my hand and kamuied us away somewhere. When we came out I smiled when I saw it was a hot spring he was taking me to.

The two of us made our way in together, paid the lady at the front desk then went into the changing room. We both stripped in front of each other and I was so thankful I had a mask on right now otherwise Obito would've seen the blush that made its way across my face as I stared at his six-pack.

He caught me staring of course and winked at me. I turned my head to the side. "Cute". He made his way over to me and took me by the hand as he led me out to the hot spring area. He let me get in first then got in as well.

The hot water felt so good against my bare skin, I couldn't help but let out a sigh, fold my arms on top of the rocks and lay my head on my arms. "Comfortable"? He asked with his back against the rocks and arms laid across them while looking at me smiling.

"Mhm. Thank you for taking me here". "Anything for my silver". "Can I ask why"? "It had to do with my parents, Madara and Hashirama Uchiha". "Your part Senju"? "I am. I was shocked to say the least but when they told me why they had to go into hiding I couldn't leave them.

Not to mention that I had also met my twin brother and cousins as well". "Your apart of the Akatsuki". "Is that a problem for you? I'll understand if it is"? "No, I understand that the village can be cruel". "Did they treat you bad"? "Everyone had nothing but respect for me until I was turned into a jinjuriki".

"I had a feeling that's what the symbol on your stomach meant". "Will your parents try to take him from me"? "No, the two of you are safe. What's his name"? "Siro". "The thousand-tailed wolf huh"? "You've heard of him"? "Mhm. I'm just glad you had him to protect you and keep you company when I couldn't".

"I'm just glad I get to be with you again. Is it ok if I show you something". "Of course". I made my way over to him, stood in front of him and took off my mask. He smiled and gently cupped my cheek. "I always knew you were beautiful underneath it".

"You're the only one who will ever know what I look like". "I'm honored, truely". I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me back,

My life was perfect once again.

Word Count. 1464

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