My Jinjuriki Lover Part 3

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So you're the human they decide to seal me inside of

Trust me I hate this just as much as you

You seemed to know that blonde-headed man

He's my sensei, Minato

Your sensei sure must not care a lot about you then

What do you mean by that

What good master would purposely endanger the life of one of his students? He had you kidnapped just so he could have me sealed inside of you

I know, I just wish I knew why he did it

I said as a single tear fell from my eye as I laid down on my bed.

If you ask me it more than likely has to do with power

He's not that kind of person

Are you sure


Siro, that's my name


How old are you kid


Yep, I seriously don't like your sensei

I'm sorry

Don't apologize for him, this isn't your fault. You didn't know


Why what?

Why aren't you hostile towards me?

Not all tailed beasts dislike humans. I would never judge anyone before I officially meet them and besides your just a kid so I definitely know you haven't done anything wrong.

I killed my mom


She died giving birth to me

That wasn't your fault. Who told you that?

I did

I was walking around Konoha with my hands in my pockets. No matter where I went it seemed like everyone gave me a hateful look. I could only assume it was because they found out what happened to me. I didn't want to feel bothered by it but I did.

It hurt knowing that people thought of me as some kind of monster just because I had a tailed beast inside of me. I'm use to it though. I'm use to not feeling accepted by others. The only people that do truly accept me for me are Obito and Rin.

Everyone else just pretends to be my friend because of who my father was. They have no idea what it's like. They have no idea what it feels like to grow up without your mother and to come home one day and see that your father had killed himself because of how the village treated him.

My dad was depressed and the village did nothing to help him, just like their doing nothing to help me. The only ones who are helping me are Hashirama and Madara. They have kids of their own to worry about but their always checking in on me and making sure I have food and money.

I truly am grateful to them. I always will be. "Hey you"! One of the older kids yelled. I pretended not to hear him and kept on walking. "I'm talking to you you brat"! I still ignored him. The next thing I knew he was grabbing me by the back of my head and slamming me to the ground hard.

I knew I could take him down easy but I'm not supposed to cause any trouble now that I'm a jinjuriki. I also know that the villagers would lie to sensei and tell him that I started the fight. I just laid their and allowed him to beat me.

He kicked me in the stomach, then stomped on my arm. He picked me up again by my hair and punched me in the face then went to my stomach again. The next thing I knew their was chakra forming around me protecting me. I knew it was Siro.

He healed my injuries instantly while also freeing me from the older boys grip. He had control over my body right now I didn't. He brought me to a lake and gave me control over my body again. I immediately recognized where I was.

This was Nakano river. It's the same river Obito's parents had met as kids. He took me here one day when the two of us just wanted to hang out by ourselves.

This is one of the few places you feel safest at so I thought I'd bring you here

Thank you Siro

I made my way over to the edge of the water and sat down hugging my knees.

Is this going to be my life now? Constantly hated by everyone because of something that was done to me? What will Obito think if he ever finds out the truth? Will he hate me like everyone else does? Will he think I'm a freak and want nothing to do with me anymore?

He's going to be Hokage when he gets older. Will he still want me by his side protecting him? Or will he continue to let the village treat me the way they are right now? What does the future hold for me?

"Kakashi"? "Hi lord first". "You don't have to be so formal with me, it's ok for you to call me Hashirama if you want". He said warmly. "Is it ok if I join you"? I nodded my head. He came sit next to me. "It's peaceful out here today don't you think"?

"I suppose so". "You don't usually come here by yourself". "I wanted somewhere quite to think for a bite". "Would I be right to assume it has to do with your situation with Siro"? "Sensei told you". "All of the clan heads know".

"Does Obito"? "No, Madara, Ryuko, Izuna, Inuama, Tobirama and I are the only Uchiha and Senju's who know that your a jinjuriki. Rather or not you tell Obito will be up to you". "Thank you". "Your welcome and I'm sorry.

If I hadn't decided to give a tailed beast to each nation in the past then you wouldn't have to go through this right now". "It's not your fault, your intentions were good". "Are you upset with Minato right now"?

"I am. I just lost my dad a few months ago and now I have to deal with this? It's not fair". I said burying my head in my knees. "Your right it's not. That decision shouldn't have been forced on you but you don't have to go through this alone.

Madara and I will always be here when you need us. You still have a family you can rely on Kakashi". "Is it ok if I call you papa then"? "I would be honored if you did". I made my way over to him and buried my head in his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight.

Word Count. 1087

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