Rescued By The Magia Part 8

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I was growing more and more impatient with each passing hour. It was morning and Kakashi had yet to return from his mission. What's worse is he hasn't had the slightest decency to report in on what's going on. I thought I could trust him. I thought he was ready for more responsibilities but he's proven me wrong yet again.

He can't be trusted with anything. I'm going to have to have Tenzo guard him constantly it seems.

As if on cue a knock came through the door followed by Tenzo walking in and kneeling on one knee. "Have you heard from him"? "No, but I have reason to believe Ryuko Uchiha and Aki Senju kidnapped and took him, prisoner".

"Why's that"? "There were reports stating a few of our members saw them back in town but it was never confirmed". "And you didn't think it important to try and confirm it. Kakashi is heir to this mafia, he is Siro's jinjuriki. Do you have any idea what could happen if he told the enemy anything"?

"That's assuming he's still alive, you know how ruthless Ryuko can be when it comes to her precious brothers". "True but what you fail to realize is that if Kakashi dies so does Siro".


Last night was rough for me. I tossed and turned over and over trying to find a comfortable position to lie in but never could. My mind was racing too much. The harder I tried to sleep the more dark thoughts would flood my mind.

You worthless pathetic good for nothing! You allowed yourself to be taken by the enemy. You didn't even try your hardest to fight against Aki and Ryuko. You wanted them to kill you, didn't you? You wanted an easy way out of your worthless misery.

I thought while lying on my side and felt the coldness of my blade slide against my arms.

You finally saw him fucking congratulations. It means nothing and you know it. He'll abandon you just like you did him. He won't care.


His family hates you. They'll try to turn him against you and he'll listen to them because their family. He knows them. You're still a stranger.


He doesn't owe you anything


He won't protect you. He'll hate you

I was about to make another cut but froze when I felt a hand grab hold of the hand I had the blade in. It was his hand.

"You don't have to do that anymore, it's ok". He spoke softly. "Obito". My voice wobbled. "Let go, Kashi, it's ok baby". My breath hitched this time. "W what did you say"? "You heard me, please, I have something better that can help with your pain".

Slowly my hand lowered into his and unhooked itself from the handle. He took it away and a second later I teared up as I felt him lay behind me holding me close to his chest. "Obito".

"I'm going to assume you didn't sleep much last night". "N no I didn't". "I love the room but I couldn't get comfortable". Obito had placed me in a guest room that was connected to his bedroom. He told me it used to be his brother Stone's room but Stone was living with his boyfriends Xion and Iruka and was only using it as extra closet space.

"Why didn't you come to me? You know you could right". "You were sleeping, I didn't want to be a bother". "I was sleeping off and on, I was worried about you but knew you needed space". I turned around and hid my face in his chest.

"Are you in any pain still"? "No, Siro took care of that". "He takes care of healing your scars to doesn't he"? I nodded. His hand moved to the back of my head with his arm wrapped around me. "You've been through so much". His fingers brushed through my hair.

"Don't you have to report in"? "Not until I'm ready, my older brothers and I are in charge until my dad gets back". "How mad are they"? "That doesn't matter right now". "Yes it does Obi, you have what I don't. You've always had it. I don't want you to lose it because of me".

"What's that"?

"A family that loves you".

"Oh kashi". "Please let me talk to them".


I called both Stone and Hibiki in for a meeting and waited for them to come along with my Aunt Ryuko. Tension was running high and I needed to get a hold on it now before it evolved into absolute hatred. That's not what Kakashi needs right now. He needs as much support as he can get and I'll be damned if I don't give it to him.

"Are you serious, it takes you calling a meeting for your ass to be on time for once". Hibiki said walking in with the others. "I'm only ever five minutes late, I do take our job seriously". "Does that mean you've successfully interrogated him"? Stone asked.

"No it doesn't. An interrogation is the last thing he needs from any of us me included. What he wants and needs is a chance to explain himself and apologize". "Apologize? You do realize he's Sakumo's son"? Aunt Ryuko said crossing her arms.

"I do, I also knows he's nothing like his father and isn't the one responsible for Uncle Jellal's death, Sakumo Hatake is". She said nothing. "Are you sure you're thinking clearly Obito? You were kids when you met"? Stone asked.

"I am. Yes I'm close to this, I'm aware of that but what you all fail to realize is despite being close to him I can read people easily. I believe him when he says he's sorry". "Do you know his story"? Hibiki asked. "No, but we're all about to learn about it".

The side door that connected to the office opened and they all watched as Kakashi stepped out and walked over to me but what I didn't expect was for him to kneel before them.


"None of you have any reason to believe me but I swear on my life when I say I never wanted to hurt Madara or Hashirama. I never wanted to hurt anyone but my father made me. He always makes me do things I don't want to yet I force myself to be his obedient puppet just so I could get the smallest amount of praise from him.

To me, his rare moments of praise are much more fulfilling than the degrading ones he usually calls me along with the beatings. If it were up to me I would've stayed Obito's friend and tried to live a somewhat normal life.

I hate it there, I hate him but I could never force myself to leave. Despite what he's done to me he's all I have left of a family. I don't know if he'll come to get me but he probably will because of Siro. Part of me is hoping he won't though, I don't want to leave, I don't want to leave Obito again. The only time I feel safe is when I'm around him, I don't know why I just do.

Miss Ryuko from the bottom of my heart I'm so very sorry for what my father did to your husband, if I could make it right I would".


His voice was filled with emotion as he pleaded with my family. I had this meeting recording and planned on sending it to my fathers after everything was said and done. I knew he was hurting but had no idea it was this.

"We'll"? I looked at the three of them. "Betray him and your dead". Aunt Ryuko said before walking out the door. I looked both my brothers dead in the eyes. "The two of you have always been protective over me but he's the last person I need protection from. From this day forward I take full responsibility for anything that happens to him. As far as I'm concerned he's not going anywhere".

"Very well ototo". Hibiki said. "Welcome to the Uchiha's Kakashi Hatake". Stone said.

Word Count: 1369

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