The Promised Neverland Part 1

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This was requested by inuama_senju

This will follow the storyline of the first season but I will also be changing a few things.





Shisui, Itachi, Sasuke, and Mashi will also be in here

P.S. I have no idea how long the chapters will be or how many there will be


"Hey, guys. What is this"? I asked holding onto the metal bars while Obito, Kakashi, and I played in the forest. "It's a gate. It connects the inside and outside". Kakashi said. "But we've never been outside". "That's because we haven't left here since being born".

"So is this what mom's always talking about? He said never go near the gate or fence in the back of the forest because it's dangerous". "He says that but it's not true". Obito said. "It's not"? Kakashi asked.

"Hey, Obito. What would you do if you could go outside"? "I don't know. You Rin"? "I'd ride a giraffe"! I said excitedly. "Good luck". Obito said with his back facing the gate.

"You know. I wonder what it's really keeping us protected from"? Kakashi said while holding onto the bars looking longingly.

That happened when the three of us were very young

A few years later


"Good morning everyone"! Rin said after the bell rang to wake us all up. Everyone got up right away and like always Rin started helping the younger kids get ready. Obito and I got ready and went to help papa set up for breakfast.

I headed to where the the pots and pans were and put them on a rolling table. While Obito carried the teapot. "Hey guys. Good Morning". Rin said while playing with our younger siblings. "Good morning Rin". I said. "Good morning". Obito said.

"You're full of energy this morning and you haven't even had your breakfast yet". I said smiling. "Come on, how old are you five"? Obito asked while heading towards the kitchen. "I'm elevebln, same as you guys and one of the oldest kids here". She said defensively making some of our younger siblings laugh

A soft chuckle was soon heard. "Your laughing to papa"? "Rin, come help me out". He asked giving her his closed eye smile. "In a minute. I wanna redo my entrance because Obito teased me". She said while holding onto his waist.

"Why change it? It showed just what I love about you". He said warmly. "That I'm five years old at heart"? She asked looking up at him. He shook his head. "That isn't what I meant. I love how deeply you care about your family".

"Thank you papa, I'm glad". I watched as papa gently rubbed the top of her head. He then left to get his bell and rang it letting us know breakfast was ready. We all took our seats at the long tables that were in the room and waited to hear what he had to tell us.

"Good morning to you my darling children. Now let us all appreciate that all thirty eight of you can live happy lives under this roof. We are thankful". "Thank you for our breakfast". We all said in unison.


After breakfast was over papa took us all into the classroom to take an exam. Each one of us had on a headset since the exam we were taking was on a computer. After getting the ok we all started. I concentrated hard on each question that was given to me and answered them as quickly as I could.

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