Arranged Marriage Part 1

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This was requested by Natsu__summer I apologize if a few of the details are wrong


Sweat was rolling off my body as I pounded into Damion from behind. He was one of my fanboys and was at the same bar Stone and I was at. We chatted for a bit, had a few drinks together, and ended up here in one of the back rooms.

"Faster daddy". He said crying in pleasure as I pounded into him relentlessly. I placed my hands on his hips and went faster while still keeping the same amount of pressure. "Fuck yes! Yes"! "You like that don't you you slut". I said smirking.

"Yes daddy". He placed his head into the pillow and screamed. I gripped his hair and turned his head to look at me. "Don't fucking hide that voice of yours from me". I kissed him and he moaned into it loud while holding onto my arm.

I moved my free hand to his shaft and started pumping him. He moaned louder. "I'm gonna cum"! He said with tears streaming down his face. I pumped him even faster and he came screaming my name.

I came right after then pulled out, took a second to catch my breath then took off the condom I was wearing, tied off the top then headed into the bathroom, and wrapped it in toilet paper. I then headed back into the room, got dressed, and placed it in my pocket.

"You know, if you have another one we can always go for round two". Damion said smirking. "No thanks, I'd rather head home". I said as I slid my jacket over my shoulders and left out the room. I wasn't at all surprised to see Stone waiting for me.

"How was it"? He asked smirking. "Average at best. Xion and Iruka busy"? "Xion's on a mission and Iruka has school tomorrow. Plus I'm drunk and he doesn't like it when I come over late". It was three in the morning.

"I've been in there since twelve. What the hell were you doing"? "Watching Netflix on my phone". I playfully rolled my eyes while smiling and left with him.


I could hear my alarm ringing as I laid under my covers but refused to turn it off. I didn't feel like moving at all. I just wanted to stay under the covers and hold myself. Last night wasn't good for me. I had another nightmare of my dad dying and couldn't go back to sleep afterwards.

I wanted to call Obito and have him come over and hold me but the two of us weren't close anymore and it was all my fault. I did something to upset him in the past and as hard as I try I can't figure out what it is. He's still friendly towards me in public and around our friends but the two of us haven't hung out on our own in years.

I miss him so much. I just want things to go back to the way they were. I heard my room door open and heard my alarm be shut off. "You need to get up". "Go away". I said in a muffled voice. It was my older twin Kimoshido.

"Have you been taking your pills"? "Yes now go away". "No you haven't. You don't act like this when you're on them". "Am I not allowed to have a bad day"? "You've been acting like this for two weeks now".

"I just need to be left alone for a while". "Kakashi". "Please Kimo............just go". "Fine, but I'm going to tell mom about this". I said nothing as I listened to her leave and close the door.

Can't they see nothing can help me


I was sitting in my room staring at a picture of my husband Sakumo. He had been gone a while now but it still hurt like hell. As much as I loved my husband I'm not the one that's the most affected by it. My son Kakashi is. He was the one that found his body the day it happened.

"I'm sorry I didn't make you feel as if you could come and talk to me about how you were feeling. Just know I'll never stop loving you". I said with tears in my eyes. I soon heard a knock at my door and quickly dried them.

"Mom". "What is it Kimo"? "Kakashi's refusing to come out of his room again". "I see". She came over and sat down next to me. "I'm worried about him mom. He says he's on his meds but I can tell he's lying. We need to do something. I don't want to lose him too".

"What do you suggest"? "Maybe an arranged marriage to Obito will help? You know he's been in love with him since he was a kid". "I don't know Kimo". "Can't we at least go ask Madara and Hashirama? What's the harm in that"?

"I guess there isn't". "And if they do end up agreeing to it"? "I'll tell Kakashi myself". "Can I come with"? "No, you stay here in case your brother needs you". "Yes ma'am".

It didn't take me long to get to the Uchiha estate from our house. I was there in under thirty minutes and knocked on the door. "Lilly". Hashirama said answering the door. I could tell by the way the look on his face that he was shocked to see me here. 

"Hi Hashirama. Is Madara home by any chance? I need to talk to the both of you about something important". "Yeah, he's in his office upstairs".  He allowed me to come in and brought me upstairs to Madara's office.

He knocked on the door and a second later we walked in together. "Lilly". Madara said shocked as Hashirama went to sit on his desk next to him. "What brings you by"? "I wish this was a more social visit but I'm here to talk to the two of you about our sons".

"What about them? Is something wrong with Kakashi"? Hashi asked. That's what I loved about these two. Since Sakumo's death they have helped the four of us a lot. They even think of my kids as their own and vic versa.

"You could say that. Since his fathers death he's become depressed and since the accident with Obito he's developed anxiety and PTSD. He's taking medicine for it but he doesn't always take them. I know he needs more then his pills to help him feel better I've always known.

I'm not sure if either of you are aware of this or not but Kakashi has been in love with Obito since they were kids. I don't know what happened between them but I'm certain that if Kakashi is able to be with Obito that he'll start to feel better again".

"You are aware of the reputation Obito has right". "I can't help.who my son falls in love with. All I can do is try to be as supportive as I can be. Please, if there's any chance that Obito cares about him, even if it's a little bit please make him get together wit Kakashi.

I lost Sakumo, I can't lose him too". Hashirama stood up, made his way over to me, kneeled down and held my hands. "You have my word we'll talk to him". "Thank you Hashirama".

Word Count. 1241

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