Where Are You Part 6

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Two years. It's been exactly two years since Kakashi went missing. Not a day goes by where I'm not thinking about him. I miss him so fucking much and it's killing me not knowing if he's safe or not or even alive.

I've tried to get the other Kage to help me look for him but they haven't. The only one that has helped is Gaara. He's sent a few of his sand jonin to go out and look for him along with a group of my leaf Jonin but they came back with nothing.

Everyone is telling me to call the search off and declare him dead but I can't do that. How could anyone give up on the love of their life? The only thing that's been keeping me going is my kids.

I have to be strong for them no matter what. They ask me about their papa every single day and it pains me that I can't give them an answer. They were five when he went missing, their seven now. They're growing up so fast and Kakashi isn't here to see it.

Wherever you are I just hope you're safe. I will never stop looking for you, I don't care how long it takes. I won't allow myself to relax until your back home safe in my arms.

I thought to myself as I looked at a picture of the two of us. There was a knock at my door soon after.

"Come in".

Shikaku came in with Shizune and they both had troubled looks on their faces. "What is it"? "The four Kage are requesting a meeting". Shizune said. "Where"? "The Raikage was the one that initially asked for it. He wants the meeting to be held in his office".

"So we have to travel to the hidden cloud village. When do we leave"? "Today sir. He wants to hold the meeting as soon as possible". "He is aware that I'm the only one that will be able to get there early right"?

"Yes, sir he does". "Give me an hour, I need to make sure my kids are taken care of first". "Of course sir, I'll be waiting at the gate with Stone". Shikaku said.

I left my office and headed straight to my parent's house. I knew my papa was the only one home right now since dad was at work. I knocked on the door to my childhood home and he opened the door a minute later.

"Well what do I owe the honor lord six". He said smiling. "It's good to see you to papa". I said smiling. He immediately brought me into a hug and hugged me tight. I hugged him back and we stayed like that for awhile until I had to eventually let him go.

"I'm sorry but I can't stay long, I have a meeting to attend in the cloud village. I just wanted to ask if you and dad could watch the triplets while I'm gone". "Of course, it's no problem at all". He said smiling. "Thank you". "Stay safe love". "I will papa, you have my word".

After I visited my papa I made my way to the academy to say bye to my kids. I made my way inside and headed straight to the secretary's desk. "My lord". "Hello there, Isabella. I know their in class right now but can you please call Ace, Sina and Storm for me". "Of course, right away sir".

She called them on the intercom and a few minutes later they arrived at the office. Their eyes lit up as soon as they saw me and immediately ran over to give me a hug. I kneeled to their level and returned the hug.

"How's school going"? "It's good. Iruka sensei just handed us back our tests scores and we each got an A". Sina said. "That's good, I'm proud of the three of you". They smiled at that. "I have to go away on business for a few days ok. Grandpa Hashi will be here to pick the three of you up". They hugged me again, this time tighter than before.

After I said my goodbyes to the kids I headed home, gathered everything I would need then headed to the gate where Shikaku and Stone were waiting for me. "Are the two of you ready"? "Yes sir". I nodded my head, then turned my head to look at my village before I headed off.


I stood on top of one of the mountains in the cloud village. I watched with my Sharingan activated as Obito used Kamui to travel here with Stone and Shikaku. I couldn't help but smile at him.

So that's what he looks like in real life

Yep, that's my husband

A cold chill appeared in the air all of a sudden.

You know why this is happening right

I do and I be dammed if I allow A to succeed in his mission

I focused my eyes solely on Obito since I knew he would be the target of their attack. I went into my tailed beast mode as soon as I saw two cloud ninja approach them. I allowed five of Siro's tails to come out of me as my nails grew sharper, my ears became pointer and my teeth sharpened

"Your early lord six". I heard one of the cloud ninja say. "Considering Lord Obito has the Mangekyou and can us Kamui it only makes since we would arrive before everyone else". Shikaku said defending him.

"Yes well, if the two of you would follow us, we'll show you to your chambers". "Thank you". Obito said. The cloud ninja bowed to him before heading off. I jumped down from where I was and stealthily followed behind them making sure I hid my chakra.

I had to deactivate my tailed beast mode but I was prepared to activate it again the second I sensed he or the the others were in any danger. They led him to the house they had arranged for him and the others to stay at. I watched as they made their way inside and was about to head in myself but I could feel.Siro stopping me.

Not now. Wait for nightfall to come. We can't have the Raikage knowing your here yet.

I I know

It's only a few more hours


I was sitting in bed, the only light in the room was from the moon shining in through the window. I had a picture of Kakashi and I in my hands. I slowly ran my thumb over his cheek as I looked at the picture sadly.

"I would give anything to have you back".

I felt a presence in the room as soon as I said that. I immediately activated my mangekyou and started looking for the intruder.

"Relax Obi, it's just me".

That voice.

"K Kashi"?

I listened as his footsteps came closer. My breath hitched as he stepped into the light fully. He was just as beautiful as the day he left, the only difference now was that his hair stopped at his shoulders.

"Please tell me I'm not dreaming again". He smiled at me, then took off his shoes, got in the bed, crawled over to me and hugged me. I immediately wrapped my arms around him and hid my head in his neck.

"I missed you so much". I whispered. "I missed you too. I'm sorry I wasn't able to come home sooner". "Where have you been all this time"? "A had asked Orochimaru and Kabuto to kidnap me so they could turn me into a Jinjuriki that they could control.

I was able to escape but I had to stay away so they didn't go after you are the kids. How are they by the way"? "They're good. They just really miss you". "Do they think I'm dead"? "No, I keep telling them that no one is dead until I see a body".

"I can't imagine how hard it mustive been to raise them on your own". "It was hard but I had help from my parents and brothers". He smiled. "It feels so good being back in your arms". "If feels good being able to hold you again.

Did they succeed in making you one"? "They did. I'm the thousand tailed wolf's jinjuriki now. His names Siro. A Are you ok with that"? "Of course I am. You being a jinjuriki wont change the way i feel about you. I love you". "I love you too Obi".

Word Count. 1433

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