You Have To Keep On Living Please Part 3

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Eight years later


"Fire style, dragons breath"! I breathed out a hot blast of fire at him. "Earth style, mud wall"! He created a huge wall blocking it. The two of us were currently in the backyard at our parent's house. We had nothing better to do so we decided to mess around for a bit.

Over the years Kakashi and I have gotten closer to one another. When we were younger we always sat next to each other at the table. When he wasn't busy doing his own thing he helped me with my training in the woods. Helped me study and graduate to Chunin and even helped me to become a jonin.

I owe so much of my success to him. It's been nine years since it happened but I think I'll finally give Kakashi his gift for making it to Jonin at such a young age.

"Chidpri"! He charged at me. "Wood style, wooden branch". A vine sprouted out of the ground, grabbed hold of him, and threw him in the air. He used Chidori to break free and land on the ground. I charged at him but he was able to dodge in time. Our arms collided as we both went for a hit. I breathed out a breath of fire and he kicked me in the stomach creating distance.

We never went easy on each other. We always fought as if we were enemies fighting each other to the death. That's why he didn't look me in my eyes, he knew id use my mangekyou on him.

I didn't have to hurt someone I loved to awaken it. It awakened when I saved Stone during a battle. "Water style, rushing waves"! Water shot out of his hand at fast speeds. I don't know how he's able to do it but Kakashi is somehow able to use all five chakra natures.

"Fire style, brilliant flame"! I breathed out another blast of fire to keep up with his water. Mist formed around us as our attacks collided with each other. He looked around searching for me but I didn't have to, I could see him clearly and he knew that.

"Wood style, crushing vine"! Huge vines sprouted out of the ground but he wasn't fazed by it. He jumped out of the way but soon was met by a kick to the back from me. He spun around kicking me in the face. I grabbed his arm and threw him to the ground.

"Chidori"! He went for an upwards attack but I blocked it by catching his fist. He used both his legs to kick me in the stomach creating distance. The mist cleared as I landed on one side of the field and him the other.

"Alright that's enough you two. Your papa wants you inside". Dad said coming out onto the back porch. "Yes sir, we bowed to each other as a show of respect before heading into the kitchen where Papa was. I smiled as I smiled the delicious smell of freshly baked muffins coming out the oven.

"How was training"? Papa asked with his back to us. "Good". We said in unison and were both rewarded with a chocolate chip muffin in our hands. I took the wrapper off and hummed as I took my first bite. Everything Papa cooked was vegan based so our desserts were a little bit healthier than regular desserts. Kakashi hummed as well.

"I'm glad you both approve". He said as he poured us each a tall glass of milk. "Any plans today"? "Is it ok if I take Kakashi down to the underground chamber. I think it's time he knew". He threw a spatula at me. "Ow"! Kakashi chuckled. "I thought you been took him down there"!

"I didn't think I was allowed". I said rubbing my head. "Obito Senju Uchiha"! "Ok ok, we'll go". Kakashi laughed more.

He followed behind me as I led him to the Uchiha family's underground chamber. I lit the torches on the wall and walked over to two picture scrolls that were neatly placed on the wall. There were a lot of past Uchiha that decorated the walls but these two were two of the most important ones.

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