The Promised Neverland Part 4

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I waved by to my dad as he drove off to work. I made my way inside and headed to my locker. I put the ones I didn't need right now back in and took the ones I would need out. I closed and relocked it before putting my backpack back on.

As soon as I started to walk off I felt someone throw a paper ball at the back of my head. I just ignored it and kept on walking. "Hey freak! Where ya going"!? One of the boy's Jack asked. I just kept walking. "Hey he asked you a question"! His girlfriend Samantha yelled.

I ignored her as well and continued walking. "Don't tell me your still sad over that imaginary brother of yours"! "He's not imaginary". I mumbled under my breath. "I know the freak boy isn't talking back to me"!? I kept walking with my head down.

I try my best not to cause trouble but the kids at school keep picking on me because I miss my twin. They think he doesn't exist and try to make me sound like I'm crazy. It hurts but I can't tell my dad about it because he'll get upset.

Before I had time to react I felt Jack grab me by the back of my shirt and start beating me. I tried my best to fight back but he was faster than me. He punched me in the face and kicked me in the stomach until a teacher finally came and pulled me away from him.

"You just earned yourself a months worth of detention Jack, Stone go to the nurses office and get patched up before going to the office I'll be there soon to call your dad". "Yes Mr. Johnson". I held the strap of my bag and did as told.

"Was it Jack again"? Miss. Amber asked. I simply nodded my head and sat on the chair. She came to me with a few medical supplies and I sat still allowing her to do her job. After she was down I made my way to the principles office and sat on a chair while Mr. Johnson talked to my dad on the phone.

He arrived fifteen minutes later and immediately came to me. "What happened"? I could see the concern in his eyes as he kneeled in front of me wearing his police uniform. "A few kids were picking on me because they don't think Obito's real". I said looking down.

"How long has this been going on"? I said nothing. "How about we go do something fun together before heading home"? He said smiling gentle. "Can we please just go home". "If that's what you want then yes". I walked beside him as we headed to his car. Once home we ended up watching tv together while I nuzzled his side and he had his arm wrapped around me.


The bell rang early in the morning waking us all up. We got out of bed and made our way down to the eating room. We were all confused to see a woman with red hair tied into two buns standing next to papa. "Good morning my loves starting today you'll have a mom living here with us. Her names sister Mito". Papa said smiling.

I have a bad feeling about this

After everyone left Kakashi, Rin and I left to spy on papa and sister Mito. "She's  between the three children's rooms". Rin said. "That's going to be a problem. It'll be easier for her to watch us". I said. They turned around and the three of us smiled.

"I was so focused on escaping that another adult never crossed my mind". Kakashi said. The three of us were in the dinning room alone. "We should be happy about this". I said. "What do you mean"? Rin asked. "With Naruto and sister Mito here we have two new sources of information".

"Your right". "First off, were did they both come from"? "I suppose Naruto's here to replace Coonie. They must be replenishing merchandise". Kakashi said. "Yeah, if this place is a farm they must have a base with young kids to replace the others after their adopted and killed". I said.

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