The Promised Neverland Part 10

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The car ride to the police station was long and agonizing. Miss Ryuko had called for reinforcements. The police officers loaded my kids into cars and left with them. The only ones that were left with me were Obito, Kakashi, Shisui, Itachi, Deidara, Sasuke, Mashi, and surprisingly Naruto.

I didn't know why they let Naruto come with us but if I had to guess it was because he was just a baby. No one said anything the entire ride there. When we did arrive my kids and I were separated once again. We were each taken to separate rooms.

I sat with Ryuko in an interrogation room. A million things were swimming around in my head as I tried to make sense of all of this. "If your worried about being under arrest you can relax, your not". "Where are my kids"? "They're each talking to an officer". "Why? Why are they involved in this"?

"Their not, we just need them to help us understand a few things even though I have a pretty good idea of what's going on already". "One of the charges you gave Mito was kidnapping? Who did she take"? "You Hashi". "Me"?

"Mito drugged you when you were pregnant with Shisui, as well as Obito". "Why"? "I'm not sure of that just yet. This letter was addressed to her but I had a feeling you should be the first one to read it". I took the letter from her and opened it.

To Mito

We need a new caretaker for Grace Feild and we have decided on police chief Madara Uchiha's husband Hashirama Uchiha. Kids love him. They trust him immediately and feel safe around him and on top of that he's a doctor. With him being in charge of the orphanage we won't have to hire medical staff he'll already know what to do.

Not to mention how smart he is. He'll be the best homeschool teacher they could ever ask for. You know just as well as I do the smarter a child is the more valuable they will be for the black market. Of course, your gonna have to brainwash him so he can go back to that husband of his and give birth to more kids.

When the time for him to leave comes you will give him instructions to go find Madara Uchiha, drug him and sleep with him. I expect him to be there with his son Obito by next week.

                      Sincerely Hanzo

I could feel my body shaking as I read the letter. I couldn't believe it. They wanted me to raise smart children so they could be sold to the black market. For what? Their just kids. I placed my face in my hands and cried.

I heard Ryuko make her way over to me, she picked up the note, read it then hugged me. "Madara's here if you want to see him". She said gently. I did want to see him. I needed to see him. I nodded my head and she left out the room. When the door opened again a few seconds later I didn't look up.

"Hashi". He spoke softly but still had a deepness to his voice. His voice sounded so comforting. "I don't know what going on". He walked over to me slowly then kneeled beside me. "Please look at me, my love". "I wasn't a part of this. I loved those kids. I didn't want them to die". I was breaking down crying at this point. I could feel my body shaking hard as my tears fell down my face.

The next thing I knew a pair of strong arms were wrapped around me protecting me. They were protecting me from the hell I was in right now. They were protecting me from the reality of everything. I let him hold me. I buried my face into his chest and cried my heart out.

I didn't cry for myself. I cried for the kids who were taken from their parents, the kids who died for no reason, and for my kids who were taken from their dads. I also cried for Madara. I didn't remember him but I could only imagine the hell he had to endure for the last nine years.

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