Kakashi Of The Akatsuki Part 4

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The next day I walked around aimlessly around the village. I didn't feel like being home right now. That house had too many memories of me and my father together. I would always see images of us cooking and training together as well as our long night conversations. I couldn't even go to the Uchiha estate because I was afraid of having flashbacks of me and Obito there.

I was afraid I would see a younger version of us running around playing, talking, or eating together. The only time I go over there is to hang out with Iruka since he's always over there with Stone and Xion.

Those three are the only friends I have. Everyone else just sees me as a monster and treats me like one. Even Rin did before she died by my hands. It was an accident obviously but no one sees it that way. They call me a friend killer for both her and Obito's death.

They blame me for Obito's death. They say it was my fault because I was too weak to protect myself and needed him to protect me when he should've been saving himself.

There's no way he would have done that though. Obito would never abandon me and leave me for dead. Never

Rin also blamed me. She said if it wasn't for me the love of her life would still be here. She's mad that she never got the chance to confess to him but there's no way Obito would have ever accepted her. He was my boyfriend when he died. I'm the one he loved not her. 

"Hey, freak"! A person yelled as they threw a baseball at the back of my head. It never hit me. I used one of Siro's tails to grab it and looked back at him annoyed. "I think this belongs to you". 

"Y your not supposed to use your powers. It's against the rules". He said scared. "Well it's not like I'm just going to stand around and allow you to throw things at me. You attacked me so I defended myself the only way I knew how".

"I knew you were a monster! Any normal person would hate having that creature inside of them but you use its power as your own! It's probably because your planning on destroying the village"! A woman yelled throwing her shoe at me. I used another one of his tails to catch it as a crowd started to form.

"I would never destroy the village that belongs to my father and best friend". "Your father was a disappointment and Obito would want nothing to do with you if he saw you now. Unlike you he was a true ninja and not a disgrace".

"Is that why you all always talked down on him because he hadn't awakened his Sharingan yet? If you fully understood how to awaken the Sharingan you would be hoping he never awakened it. An Uchiha has to go through something traumatic to be able to get it.

Granted getting his Sharingan is something he always wanted but the fact that you people are ok with a child going through pain to get powerful is disgusting. Do any of you even know how he got it? He got it by protecting me after I had just saved him from an enemy attack.

Don't you ever talk about him as if you knew him. I'm the only one that was ever there for him. No one knew him better than me".  "Not even his brother"? Fugaku said making his way through the crowd. "What do you want"? I asked glaring at him.

"I just thought I'd stop by and ask when you'll be handing over that eye of yours". "Never, Obito gave it to me as a gift". I felt the necklace he gave me hidden under my shirt against my neck. I used it to give me strength right now.

"That eye rightfully belongs to the Uchiha clan. We can't have outsiders having access to our powers". "Stone doesn't have a problem with it so why should you"? "Stone isn't head of our clan I am". "My answer is no now leave me the hell alone". I jumped on top of one of the rooftops and ran until I was out of the village and into the woods.

I ran for a long time. I was running to get away from that situation but I was also running to the only place that could give me the comfort I needed. It took a few hours to get there since I didn't use kamui but I finally made it to Obito's real grave.

I made my way over to the top of the rockslide and sat down on it. "You have no idea how bad I wanna be held by you right now. It hurts Obito. It hurts being constantly discriminated against, especially for a decision I had no part in.

Would you hate me as well? Would you think of me as a monster and a freak or would you still tell me you love me and defend me? I would give anything just to see you one last time".

"Kakashi". A voice said behind me. I immediately recognized it.

"Yes lord third"?

"I heard what happened earlier". "I did nothing wrong. All I did was defend myself from people who were trying to attack me". "I'm aware but you don't need the thousand tails power to defend yourself from civilians". "His name is Siro".

"Regardless, it dosen't change the fact that you broke the rules". "Your the Hokage, aren't you supposed to protect your people"? "I am protecting them". "From me"? "If I have to". "You know exactly what happened to me. Why should I be treated differently because of it"?

"The tailed beasts are a threat to everyone, they need to be kept in check". "Siro isn't a threat to anyone, he's my friend". "He's a monster". "Please let's not do this in front of Obito". "Young Obito is a hero of the leaf and your best friend. He would hate to see you so miserable".

"He would also hate seeing what your doing to me". "You were the one that allowed yourself to get kidnapped and have the thousand tails inside of you. The hidden leaf had nothing to do with that".

"So this is my fault"? "A jonin with your skill level and intellect should have never allowed himself to be put in that situation". "I was a child". "Yes but you were also a jonin. You have no excuses". "Please lord third. I need some time alone". I said holding my knees. "Very well but this is far from over".

"Who knew the hidden leaf elders were such assholes".

A new voice said behind me after lord third left. I didn't have to turn around to know who it was.

"What do you want Tobi"? "Oh nothing, just came to check on my favorite leaf jonin". I said nothing. "You don't deserve this". I still said nothing. "Aren't you tired? You have the power to make your pain stop so why don't you"?

"What makes you think I'm in pain"? "One I overheard your conversation with the Hokage and two I've been watching you for a while". I went silent again. "Think of what Obito would want from you Kakashi. That's the answer to all of your problems"?

He left just as quickly as he appeared.

I held the necklace Obito gave me and cried silently.

Word Count. 1264

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