My Jinjuriki Lover Part 1

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This was requested by @TheWhiteFan


I was sitting on top a tree branch as I watched Obito train in the forest. He was practicing his fire style and doing his best to try and impress me. I told him I'd be happy to spare with him but he insisted. I wasn't complaining too much just as long as I got to be near him.

Obito's my best friend. The two of us have always been there for each other. He understands me better than everyone else and is the only person I can allow myself to feel truly comfortable around. I don't have to worry about saying or doing the wrong thing. He accepts me for me.

I know we're only twelve but I truly do love him. I just wish I had the courage to tell him. "Fire style, fireball Jutsu"! He breathed out a blast of fire from his mouth. It started out small but quickly turned into a big medium-sized ball of fire.

Obito focused hard and was able to keep it going for ten seconds until he allowed it to disperse. "That was great Obito". "Thanks, if I keep going at this rate I'll be able to become Hokage in no time". "I can't wait for that day to happen. If anyone deserves it it's you".

"There's something I need you to do for me in the meantime though". "Anything". "Continue to watch my back. You keeping me safe is the same as keeping the village safe". "Yes my lord". I said giving him a closed eye smile. He gave me one back. I loved Obito's smiles. They always warmed my heart.

The next thing I knew Minato sensei was popping up in front of us. "Hey there sensei". Obito said. "Let's get going you two, we have a new mission". "Hai". We said in unison.

The three of us cought up to Rin who was waiting for us in an empty field. "Since Kakashi was just promoted to jonin I'm going to let the three of you go on a mission by yourselves with him being in charge. Your mission will be a simple one.

All the three of you have to do is head towards Kanabi bridge and spy on the enemy there. You are to bring back information on what they look like, their possible abilities and how many there are. Understood"? "Hai sensei". We said in unison. "Your dismissed".

The three of us took off into the woods together and made sure we stayed close to each other. Obito was right beside me posing as my cover while Rin covered the both of us. In one swift movement Obito took out a kunai and stopped a shuriken that was coming towards him. 

The three of us stopped and watched as Obito started fighting the enemy head-on. The enemy was much bigger than Obito but he didn't let that stop him. Obito knew exactly where to cut the man in front of him to where he'd only slow him down instead of killing him.

The next thing i knew was someone trying to sneak up on Rin and i. I pretened not to notice them and waited until they were close enough to make a move. When they were i quickly took out my fathers dagger and and started fighting him.

I was able to cut him on his arm during my first attack but he quickly used his kunai to slice my left eye. The next thing I knew I was getting hit in the back of the head and everything went dark. The last thing I thought about before losing consciousness was Obito.


My blood was boiling as I watched enemy take Kakashi away. He was protecting Rin and they used that to their advantage. I quickly finished up my fight with the guy I was busy with and made my way over to Rin. "Were going after him".

"Obito, your eyes". "What about them"? "Their red". "That's a good thing now let's go, Kakashi needs us". I grabbed her by the hand and took off with her. We trailed behind them in the trees as one of them had Kakashi slung over his shoulder.

I wasn't worried about losing them. I had my Sharingan to help me keep up with them. One of them aimed a shuriken at me but I easily turned my head to the side and dodged it. They tried throwing multiple ones at me but I used the kuni my dad had given me to get rid of all of them.

I wanted to keep going but Rin wasn't able to. She had gotten hit but one of the kuni landed in her leg. I had to stop and go to her aid, she wasn't as strong as Kakashi and I were so it would be easy to get rid of her fast.

I had no choice, I picked Rin up and ran back to where sensei was. I ran for about four miles until I finally laid eyes on him in the meadow. "Where's Kakashi"? "He was taken by the enemy. We have to go after him". "I'll go after him, the two of you go home".

"But sensei". "No buts Obito, this mission is to dangerous for you". "He needs me. There's no telling how scared he must be right now. He's waiting for me to come get him". I said pleadingly. "I told you no already now go take Rin to the hospital and head home". "Hai sensei". I said in a low voice as I took Rin and left.

Why won't he left me go after him?

Once home I went straight to my room and fell face first onto my bed. I didn't feel like talking to anyone. All I wanted was to go and rescue my friend but sensei won't allow me to. The last thing I want is for Kakashi to think I abandoned him.

My room door opened and i immediately knew who it was.

"Is it about Kakashi"? "He was kidnapped while on our mission and sensei won't let me help look for him". "I see". "He needs me papa, I can tell he's scared right now. I don't want him to think I left him behind".

"I'm sure he dosent. Kakashi knows you would come for him if you could". "I just hope he's alright. I don't know what I'd do if something ever happened to him". "Everything will be fine Obito, you'll see". "I hope your right". "I always am".

Word Count. 1102

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