Let Me Help You Part 3

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I followed behind Hashirama as he walked me to Obito's room. To say I was nervous would be an understatement. It's been year's since we last talked to each other and now I was expected to be his caretaker. It was obvious Hashirama didn't know any of this. If he did he wouldn't have chosen me for this.

Once there Hashirama opened the door and I followed behind and closed it softly. The atmosphere in the room was tense. I took notice to the girl with long purple hair that was sitting beside Obito but what I noticed the most was the pissed-off look Obito had.

He has a girlfriend

"How is he, Mr. Uchiha"? The girl asked. "He's partially paralyzed from the waist down". I could tell Obito wanted to cry from the shocked look on his face.

"How bad is it"? He whispered. "There is a lot of damage but thankfully not that much. With surgery and therapy you should be back to normal in a few months". "Months"!? He made his way over to him, sat down next to him, and gently cupped his cheek.

"I know your scared but I assure you I'll do whatever I have to to make you a hundred percent again". "Why is he here"? I looked to the side. "Kakashi is going to be the one in charge of your therapy. He's going to stay with you and help you learn how to walk again".

"Why does it have to be him"? "Papa, can I have a word with you"? I asked. "I'll be right back". He stood up and walked out of the room with me.

"I don't think I'm best suited to take care of Obito". "Your one of the best physical therapists I have plus your one of his friends so I know he'll be comfortable around you".

"Actually, we haven't talked in years". I looked down. "Is it because of Rin"? I nodded my head. He placed his hand on my shoulder getting me to look back at him. "I understand but I wouldn't ask if I didn't trust him with you. If I'm being honest your the only one I trust to take care of him".

"I am"? "You are". "Ok".

He took me back into the room and I immediately took notice to the condition Obito was currently in. His head was low as he clenched the blanket. "Obito". Papa said softly. "Can we please do it now"? "Of course". "I'll be right here when you get back". His girlfriend said. He didn't say anything as papa left with him.


I was completely tired as I came to. I opened my eyes expecting to be in my hospital room but I wasn't. Instead I was in my bedroom back at my house. I took comfort in that. I also took comfort in being able to feel my legs again.

They hurt a lot but I knew it was only temporary. I closed my eyes back trying to see if I could sense Amaphyist's chakra anywhere in the house but I couldn't. I did however feel his chakra.

I can't believe this is happening

I thought to myself as the door opened. He walked in and I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was happy to see me awake but was hesitant to approach me.

As he should be

"Your awake, that's good".

I said nothing.

"How are you feeling? Your papa said the surgery was a success. Do you need your pain meds"?

I still said nothing.

"Look, I know your still mad but". "That would be an understatement". "But all I want to do is help you. I want you to be able to walk and run again". "I don't need you to help me with that, Amethyst's here. She'll take care of me".

"She's not a licensed physical therapist, I am". "Come to think of it how the hell did that even happen"? "I wanted to help people". "That was her dream not yours. You didn't give a dam about either of us back then so why start now? If it's because you feel guilty you should be".

"Obito I". "I don't want or need you here. I've been fine without you for the past eight years haven't I"? He looked down. "I know you hate me and that what I did is unforgivable in your eyes but I promise you as soon as your able to walk again without any pain I'll leave and stay away if that's what you really want".

"It is"

"I'll leave you to get some rest". "One thing before you go". "Which is"? "How long did Amephyist say she'll be gone"? "She didn't say. Two girls came by while you were sleeping. The three of them talked for a bit then she just left without saying anything".

"How long ago was that"?

"Three hours".

"I see".


"Please, I just wanna be left alone right now". "Sure thing. I'll be in the living room if you need me". I gripped the blanket as my head hung low.

I just had a really big surgery and she didn't even stay to see how I was doing afterwards? I need her right now. I need someone to talk to. I'm starting to feel myself get scared again.

My hand instinctively lifted up as I heard my phone ring. I wanted to answer it but was hesitant.

What if it's dad calling to tell me he has to let me go?

I didn't look at the cooler id. I hit the green button and put it to my ear.

Obito: Hey

Stone: Your finally awake I see

Aniki! Thank goodness

Obito: Yeah, I just woke up a few minutes ago

Stone: That's good. How are you feeling

Obito: My legs feel like they were crushed under a ton of bricks.

Stone: Ouch. At least you can feel them again

Obito: Yeah. Are you ok?

Stone: I'am. Just a concussion and a few bruised ribs

Obito: Lucky bastard

Stone: I love you too

Obito: How did it happen?

Stone: Drunk driver. Dad arrested him the same night

Obito: That's good. Did he say anything else?

Stone: Other then he wants us both to get better as soon as possible not much. We do have paid leave until we're a hundred percent again

Obito: I see. Thanks aniki

Stone: Your welcome

At least I still have my job for now

Word Count. 1088

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