Rescued By The Mafia Part 5

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Warning chapter contains self-harm


My blood was boiling as I read over the multiple incident reports. Madara and his brats had broken into another one of my houses and taken yet another one of my jinjuriki children. They stole her from underneath my nose and took her to who knows where.

They're going to brainwash her. They're going to tell her lies about me and turn her against me. They're going to have her working for them instead. I can't have that. I'm not going to let Madara destroy everything I've worked hard for. Kakashi, he's the answer to all my problems.


You ok pup?

I sighed as I sat on the side of my bed.

Not really

You still miss him don't you

Besides you, he's the only friend I had. It was only for a short time but I felt safe with him Siro

I know Kashi

I don't think I would even recognize him if we saw each other now

How bad do you want to see him again though

It's hopeless, I don't know his last name and father will never allow it.

I rolled my sleeve up and cut a line with the pocket knife I had.

All he wants to do is use me

I cut another line

He doesn't care Siro. No one does

That's not true. I care, Obito cares

It's been years

He said nothing as he healed my arm for me. He always heals my arm after my cutting sessions but theirs always a scar left behind. I don't care, I don't care about most things now. I'm just numb.

"Kakashi, your fathers calling you". Tenzo called from behind the door. I sighed as I stood up and left. I knew it was another mission. He never calls me to his office just for the hell of it. He never checks in to see how I'm doing or if I was hurt during a mission or not.

Tenzo's my watch dog so he reports to my father about me and Siro is my tailed beast so he knows he won't let me die. A prison, that's what this house is. That's what it's always been.

Why didn't you leave while you were pregnant mama? I would've been better off on the streets.

I took in a deep breath as I approached his office, knocked on the door, and headed inside. Like always he was in an unpleasant mood. Right now the slightest inconvenience would be enough to set him off and send him on one of his outbursts.

I just hope when it happens I'm not around

"You called father"? "I did, I'm sending you on a new mission. You are to locate and eliminate Madara Uchiha". To say I was taken aback would be an understatement. Madara Uchiha is one of the most powerful men in the world,  killing him is no easy task and my father knows that.

"Who will be accompanying me"? "No one, it's a solo mission. He and his husband Hashirama will be having their anniversary soon. Your mission is to track them down and eliminate him, if you can get rid of Hashirama as well then even better".

I looked at him as if he was crazy and if I'm being honest he might be. "Father, do you have any idea what you're asking of me? This is Madara Uchiha we're talking about. You've said it yourself that even you have had trouble taking him down".

"True but your not me. You're a jinjuriki which means when you take over in the future you'll be the strongest member here, even stronger than me. Not only that but you will go down in mafia history for being the man that took down the jinjuriki killers". I looked at him confused.

"Jinjuriki killer"? "That's one of Madara's many nicknames. On the surface, he rescues Jinjuriki and claims to give them better lives but in reality, what he really does is use them as weapons and when he's done with them he kills him. Two of his kids are jinjuriki as well as one of his nieces".

That means their in trouble

This feels like a setup


I sighed to myself as I went over everything on my desk. I was trying my hardest to clear off my secluded as much as possible so Hashirama and I could have quality time together tomorrow. We've both been busy for the past few months, me with our business and him with the hospital.

We sleep in the same bed but go to sleep and wake up separately. I hate it and I know he does as well that's why three times a year I make sure we take off from work and just spend time with each other.

Those days are his birthday, Valentine's Day, and our anniversary. We take off for holidays as well but holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas are dedicated to family even though my birthday is the twenty-fourth of December. To me, my birthday is nowhere near as important as his.

Hashirama never got to celebrate his birthday the way he wanted to when he was a child which is why I'm so grateful I have the opportunity to spoil him as much as I can. Each year I try to make it more special than the last. The last thing I want is for things to become predictable.

"Working hard or hardly working"? He asked standing behind me as his hands covered my eyes. "I'm glad you're here, I could use the break". "Headache"? I nodded. He placed one hand over my forehead and did a quick healing jutsu.

"Thank you, baby". "Anytime". He kissed my head before taking a seat on my desk. "Any hint as to where we're going"? I thought for a bit. "Bring your swim trunks". He groaned. "Unless we're going to the beach I'll need regular clothes".

"That's all you get". He groaned more. "I love you too". I smirked. "On a serious note, who's going to be in charge. Izuna or one of the boys"? "Think their ready for it"? "Why not test all three"?

Word Count: 1035

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