Where Are YounPart 5

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I had Inoichi with me in the interrogation room as I interrogated each of the Anbu members one by one. The room had one table and a chair on either side. Ken was handcuffed to the table as I sat across from him.

I wanted to get this finished as quickly as I could. My grandkids needed their papa and Obito needed his husband.

"What happened on your mission"? "As I said, we rescued the children and brought them back home". "What about Kakashi"? "We don't know. He wasn't in his room this morning". "What condition was his room in"?

"Like I told lord sixth his bed was never touched and his bag was never opened but the window to his room was broken". "And none of you thought you should probably go looking for him"? "The children were more important".

"What about after you brought them home"? "We needed to report back to lord sixth". "You are aware Kakashi was the one in charge of that right. His last report said he would be returning home with all of you soon".

"Maybe he ran off". "Why would he do that when he has three little kids that need him"? "Who knows. What I do know is how he acted while on the mission". "Explain". "He acted like he was better than the rest of us.

He showed up late when it was time for us to head out and acted like he knew everything". "That doesn't give you the right to leave him behind. You know the rules, no comrade is to be left behind for any reason. It almost makes me wonder if you had anything to do with his disappearance".

"Why would I ever do something like that"? "You just told me how much you disliked him. Ionichi, if you would please". He made his way over to him, placed his hand on his head, and looked into his memories.

A minute later he stopped and turned to me. "He's telling the truth. He doesn't know anything about what happened to Kakashi". "Very well then". I stood up from my seat, made my way over to him, and handcuffed him.

"You're arresting me"!? "You broke the rules so yes I am. Thank you for your help Inoichi". "Anytime Madara". I brought him straight to his cell.


I was bouncing my leg as I waited for my father to come by and tell me the results of his interrogation. To say I was nervous would be an understatement. I didn't eat anything last night or this morning and to top everything off I can tell the kids are starting to worry.

Kakashi usually sends them letters when he's away on missions but he hasn't. I just need to know he's safe. If I know that then I can allow myself to relax a little and be able to find him and bring him home. I'll be rescuing him myself. I don't trust my Anbu to get the job done. I thought to myself before hearing a knock on the door.

"Come in".

My father walked in and I could tell by his face that it wasn't good news. "What happened"? "They don't know where he is nor did they help in his disappearance. However they did know about a broken window in his room".

"They didn't think to investigate that"? "According to them the mission was more important then looking for him, as a result they've all been locked up". "Thank you for doing that". "Of course.........Obito, if you need anything". "I'll let you know, don't worry".

"Keep in mind how strong your husband is. He won't go down easily". "I know". I said smiling a little. He smiled back at me before leaving. I let out another sigh then picked up my phone and called Shizune. She was in my office in a matter of seconds.

"Yes sir". "Kakashi's missing. Please send out a letter to the four Kage asking them for help in finding him". "Of course sir, right away". She said bowing to me before she left out.

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