My Celebrity Boyfriend Part 11

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I was up the next morning cooking for both me and Obito. I had eggs cooking in one pan while bacon cooked in the other. Today was Monday and instead of going to school, I decided to skip.

I wanted the opportunity to finally talk to my dad one on one and also help Obito with his Rin situation. I just hoped everything would end well for the two of us. I really do like him and want to be with him.

"Something smells good". Obito said making his way down the stairs. His hair was a mess from having just woken up. "It'll taste even better". "I don't doubt that". He made his way over to me and kissed me on the cheek before taking a seat at the table.

After everything was done, I fixed both our plates and brought them over to him. He took a bite and smiled. "You were right, it's delicious". "Thank you". I took a bite and ate as well.

"Do you want me to drop you off to school"? "Actually, can you come with me to my dad's house? I really need to talk to him". "I can do that". "Thank you. I appreciate it". "You're welcome". He said smiling.

After we were done eating Obito and I got ready to head over to my house. I dressed in a pair of blue jeans and one of his hoodies while he wore a red shirt, black leather jacket, and black leather pants. We put our shoes on then left out the house.

He led me over to one of his bikes, put a helmet on me then got on. I got on behind him and held onto him tight as he drove off. Fifteen minutes later we were at my house. He parked in the driveway and I got off.

He climbed off after me and I placed his helmet on the handlebar. I then led him to the front door and knocked. My dad answered after a few seconds, his eyes lit up when he saw me but his face fell as soon as he saw Obito next to me.

"Dad we need to talk". "Your right, we do". He stepped aside allowing us to come in. The three of us headed to the kitchen and sat down at the table. "I want to start by apologizing to you.

It was wrong of me to lie to you and tell you I was at Iruka's house when I wasn't and for that I'm sorry". "Is that all you want to apologize for"? He asked with his arms crossed. "Dad, I love you, you know I do but I'm not going to apologize for what happened at the concert.

Yes I understand you have rules put in place to protect me but you have to understand I'm not a little kid anymore, I'm eighteen. I had every intention of calling you and letting you know I was alright after I met Obito.

I know I made a promise to you but you also know how important that concert was for me not to mention that I wasn't by myself, Iruka was there with me. I know all you want to do is protect me but you have to start letting me make decisions for myself".

He looked at Obito when I said that. "Let me clear that up. Obito's ex came back into his life and is trying to get money out of him. His dads asked me to help by agreeing to be his boyfriend to make her go away but if I'm being honest I don't want to pretend. I really like him".

"You do"? "Yes dad". "Were you aware of this"? He asked looking at Obito. "No I wasn't but if I'm being honest I'm not mad about it. Yes I'm aware of the age gap between us but I assure you that I will treat him with nothing but respect.

He makes me feel things I haven't in a long time. I didn't think I deserved to be happy until I met him. The last thing I want to do is hurt your son Mr. Hatake but like he said you need to trust him more.

You have every right to be concerned all I'm asking is that you give me a chance. You raised him right. He's the person he is today because of you, no one else". "You do seem respectful". "That's s because my papa raised me right". "If you ever hurt him". "I'll kick my own ass if that happens".

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