Arranged Marriage Part 3

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I got up up the next day and immediately went check on Obito. I quietly opened his bedroom door and peeked my head in. He was still asleep. His back was facing me but I could tell he was asleep. That's not the only thing I noticed either. Apparently, Obito likes to sleep without a shirt.

I wonder what it would be like to sleep against his chest and have his arms around me.

I gently closed the door back and headed downstairs. I made my way into the kitchen and got started on breakfast for us. I put on the coffee pot and put the coffee to make while I fixed breakfast. I made us French toast with bacon and scrambled eggs and topped the French toast with powdered sugar and fresh berries.

"Morning". He said yawning as he came downstairs. "Morning Obito". I said as I placed the plates on the table. He made his way over to the coffee pot and poured him a cup. I secretly watched how he made it and made a mental note of it.

"What are your plans for today"? I asked as he came sit at the table. "I have work". "Are you going out tonight"? "Don't know, probably". "Alright". ""What about you"? "I have training with team seven". "After that"?

"I don't know, maybe talk to Iruka for a bit then come home". "That's it"? "Yup, I'm pretty boring, to say the least". He gave me a look but didn't say anything. The next thing I knew he placed a ring in front of me. It was a round ring and had beautiful fire rubies going around it in a platinum silver setting.

"It's yours, I have the matching pair". He said putting his on.


"How was your first night together"? Stone asked as we sat in our office. "It was fine. We went to bed early last night and had breakfast together before I left". "Did you ask him why he agreed to this"? "No not yet. I'm still trying to understand why dad and papa made me get married when you're the older twin".

"Maybe because I'm in a loving relationship with both of my boyfriends". "What makes them think I even want a relationship"? "Maybe because of how you used to talk about him in the past". "Keyword, used to". "What happend between the two of you"?

"Ask him, he knows exactly what he did". "Do you hate him". I sat back in my chair. "No, I could never hate him. No matter how badly he's hurt me". "But you don't love him either". "No". "Do you think there's a chance you could"? "Maybe".

"That's good, the two of you have more then enough time to talk through your differences". My dad said coming in. "Thank you for not fighting to wear your ring". "Why are you and papa doing this to me"? "You'll thank us for this later"?

"Wait, weren't they supposed to have a wedding first"? Stone asked. "They will at the end of the year if they both agree to it but they are legally married. All of the papers are signed and filed". "Of course they are". I mumbled. "I see".


"The three of you are dismissed for the day, good work". I said to Naruto, Sasuke and Mashi. "Kakashi sensei. Is it true you and big brother Obito are actually married"? Naruto asked. "Yep. We haven't had an official wedding yet but we are married".

"That's amazing"! He said smiling big. "Now all that needs to happen is for big brother Stone to marry Iruka sensei and big brother Xion". "Just because Obito nii married Kakashi sensei doesn't mean Stone Nii is ready to be married". Sasuke said.

"The three of them have been together for years teme"! "It doesn't matter dobe". "Will the both of you knock it off". Mashi asked annoyed. "I'll see the three of you same time tomorrow, I need to get going now". I said waving them off as I headed over to the Uchiha estate.

I wasn't heading home. I was heading over to Iruka's instead. Yeah him, Stone and Xion might not be married but the three of them have been living together since they were twenty. I made my way to his house, knocked on the door and he let me in.

"Can i get you some tea"? "Yes please". I said taking a seat on his couch. He went into the kitchen and came out a few seconds later with two glasses of tea. He handed me one and sat next to me on the couch. "That symbol looks good on your back". Iruka said smiling.

Madara and Hashirama had the Uchiha clan symbol stitched onto my clothes the day I moved in with Obito. Xion and Iruka wore the symbol on their backs as well. "Not as good as it looks around your neck". I said smiling. He was wearing a Uchiha necklace.

"I'm surprised Obito hasn't given you one yet". "Maybe, he will soon". I said pulling my mask down and taking a sip. So far Iruka was the only person that's seen my face. I wanted to show Obito in the past but it didn't end up working out. "I'm just glad to have him". "How have you been? Be honest with me". "I haven't had any attacks lately, don't worry". I said taking another sip.

"Does Obito know about them"? He asked taking a sip. "Nope, I never told him. Not even when we were kids". "Kakashi". "I promise I'll tell him soon. I don't want there to be any secrets between us". I said taking another sip.

"I don't want anything to happen to you". "Nothing will, Obito will take care of me". I said smiling. "You told me yourself that he wasn't in love with you". "That may be true but I know him. I know deep down a part of him still cares about me".

"He's not the same Obito you knew". "And I'm not the same Kakashi he knew. Please Iruka, this wasn't my idea but now that I have an actually chance I don't want to lose it. If I do, I'll never have my chance with him.

I know I can get him to fall in love with me, it'll just take time". "Is he treating you ok". "Mhm, we talked to each other this morning while eating breakfast and he wasn't mean or hostile towards me at all". "That's good at least".

"My sweet and gentle Obito is still in there, you'll see". "I hope your right". "What about you? How are you doing"? "I keep having the same nightmares. The regular one with both my parents dying and the new one". He said looking into his cup.

"What's the new one about"? "Xion and Stone dying in front of me". He whispered. "Iruka". I said placing my hand on top of his. "I'm afraid of losing them Kakashi". "Have you talked to them about this"? "Not yet". "You need to, they can help you". "I know. I'm waiting for Xion to come home first". "Ok".

I stayed over at Iruka's until it was time for me to leave and start on dinner for me and Obito. I headed into the kitchen right away as soon as I stepped foot in the door. I had my meat defrosting in the sink all day while I was gone and quickly seasoned it.

I then got started on the beef stew I had been thinking about all day and a cauliflower mash to go with it along with some dinner rolls. Once everything was done I turned the fire on low and waited for Obito to get home.

I waited and waited but he never showed up. At first I didn't think anything of it. He's a cop and I know there are some nights he's going to have to work late but when an hour passed and I still hadn't heard from him is when I started to really worry. I took out my phone and immediately called him.

Kakashi: Obito?

Husband: Hey Kashi

He was drunk

Kakashi: Hey Obito, I didnt know you were going out

Husband: I didn't know I had to tell you

Kakashi: You don't, it's just I was worried about you

Husband: Don't worry I know the rules. I'll be home later

Kakashi: Do you have any idea when that will be?

Husband: Nope, I'm out with Stone

Kakashi: I understand. Have fun with your brother

I hung up

Just make sure you stay safe

Word Count. 1443

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