Rescued By The Mafia Part 4

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Twelve years later


My body was numb as I walked through the door of my apartment and slumped down onto my couch. I had just arrived home from a mission with Tenzo and was completely exhausted. While retrieving supplies one of our wear houses was attacked and a huge fight ensued.

I was by myself fighting off as many enemies as I could while Tenzo had snuck off to salvage as much of the weapons as possible leaving me and the others to deal with the attack. We were vastly outnumbered and didn't have access to reinforcements.

If things had gone my way we would have abandoned the shipment and retreated to live another day. If that had happened then we wouldn't have more injured men. All I wanted to do was lie down and rest. All I wanted was some peace for a little bit but like always I never get what I want.

My door opened and in walked both my dad and Tenzo. Out of respect for my father, I sat up to listen to what he had to say, Tenzo I could care less about. "What happened today"?

"Like you ordered Tenzo and I made our way over to the wear house. When we got there everything was fine, the shipment came in on time and the money was right. Things didn't start to go wrong until we were attacked. A smoke bomb went off and the next thing I knew everyone was fighting.

I was on the front lines with everyone else while Tenzo had run off to try to save as many weapons as he could. If he was there with me then we wouldn't have as many men injured as we do now".

His eyes everted over to Tenzo. "You told me he failed to keep watch". "He did". "Father he told me he would keep watch while I handled everything, instead he told one of the newbies to do it". "He's lying Sakumo"! He was immensely met with a punch to the face.

"I told you no one is allowed to use my name, second it is your job to protect my son at all costs. What if he was taken hostage and used as a weapon by the enemy? What did you plan on doing then and you". He turned to me.

I looked up at him but immediately felt electricity surge through my body causing me to let out an agonizing scream. "How many times do I have to keep reminding you to train more? You're a jinjuriki, there's no reason any of our men should have been injured".

"I I'm sorry father". He made his way to me and grabbed me by my collar. "You will be if you continue to keep letting me down. I gave you those powers so you could finally be useful for once in your life, don't make me take them away from you". He dropped me then grabbed Tenzo by his collar and dragged him out.

He's wrong, please tell me he can't do that

Not unless he wants me dead as well


"Obito, where are you? What's your status"? My brother Shisui asked through my earpiece. "I'm looking for the target now, my side of the house is empty so far". My siblings and I were sent on a mission to locate a jinjuriki child and bring her back safely to our safe house.

Her parents were killed after her village experimented on her. They wanted to use her as the towns protection but was eventually sold off to an organization that uses jinjuriki as tools. I hated missions like this but knew it needed to be done.

Someone had to help these people if no one else would. I turned the corner and kept my eyes focused on any sneak attacks or hidden traps. Each room I opened was either empty or had supplies I kamuied back to our base. I was about to give up and regroup with the others when I was stopped in my tracks.

I waited a second before I slowly walked over to one of the doors. Soft crying could be heard coming from inside one of the rooms. I had a feeling it was her but had to be careful and make sure it wasn't a trap set up to make us lower our guards. Slowly, carefully I turned the knob and pushed it open.

I did a quick scan of the room and relaxed, the only person in there was the girl we were looking for. "Luna". I spoke softly kneeling to her level. She was sitting in the middle of the room hugging her knees while her hair scattered in different directions. "H how do you know my name"?

"I've been looking for you for a long time, I want to take you somewhere safe". She shook her head. "He'll be back. He'll be upset I'm gone". "You don't have to worry about him ever again. I promise on my life I won't ever let him lay another hand on you".

She was hesitant but eventually crawled over to me. I picked her up and headed out with her. "I've got her, we're heading out now". I spoke through the earpiece. "Rodger that". Hibiki spoke. The entire time she held onto me tight as I walked her out of the house and over to the cars.

Once we were outside she turned her head to see my brothers but immediately hid her face again right away. "It's ok, there with me". I placed her in the backseat of my car and drove off. The entire car ride was silent with only the radio playing softly in the background.

When we arrived at the safe house I got out of the car with her and brought her straight inside. She looked around not knowing what to do but stayed behind me closely. "Is this her Obito"? Aunt Ryuko asked coming downstairs.

"Yes ma'am, this is Luna". She kneeled to her level smiling. "Hi Luna it's nice to meet you, I'm Ryuko". "She's one of my aunts, you'll be safe with her". She looked at her unsure. "There are a bunch of little kids here who are just like you, I also have a puppy you can play with".

"Really"? "Mhm, he won't let anyone touch a hair on your pretty little head". She looked up at me. "Will I still get to see you"? "Of course, I come here all the time to help her out". She nodded before walking over. "Bye-bye, Mr. Obito". She waved as I started to leave. "Bye sweetheart, I'll come visit soon".

I headed home as fast as I could after having reported in with dad. Stone and Hibiki had permission from their boyfriends to go out and celebrate but I didn't feel like it. I had better things to do like look for him. Since the day he left, I haven't stopped searching. I worked my way through the ranks so I would have more freedom to search on my own and gained as many contacts as I possibly could.

I grabbed my laptop and logged into the police department's database and searched through their missing person's files. I looked for anyone who was around twenty years old and who could look like or resemble him. I also had a search on the name Kakashi going around but without a last name, it wasn't that helpful.

I don't know why I'm obsessing over this. I know what he told me but I can't do what he wants. I have to know he's ok, I just have to. If I don't look out for him who will? For hours I went at it. I scanned through every name that started with a k and looked at every male with silver hair but he was nowhere in here. Frustrated I closed the laptop and gripped my hair.

I need help Kakashi. I need you to help me find you. Please, I'm worried about you more than you know. Let me help, please let me help you

Word Count: 1362

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