Chapter Six: Field Test

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Trees howled throughout the IZLand forest. Clouds covered the sky, carrying a downpour wherever they went. Heavy winds penetrated the dense foliage, pressing the hoods of the three figures against their cheeks.

"It's so cold..." Chaewon breathed, her body shuddering under her thick uniform.

"That's ironic, Unnie," Minju giggled, "You're the one person who could warm themself out of the three of us."

"Are we ready?" Minho asked.

"What are we even out here for?" Chaewon questioned.

A mixture of irritation and confusion permeated through the radish's voice prompting Minho to turn toward his older teammate.

"We're being dispatched to check out reports of shady people along the main trail into IZLand's capital. According to scouts, this is a Senam mission which is why we were picked."

Minju tilted her head, "Since we could encounter bad guys, shouldn't I go on ahead of us?"

"If you wish."

Minju shrugged, turning away from the light. Her muddy footsteps trailed away from her team, growing fainter with each passing second before dipping into the forest.

With himself and the shivering radish alone in the bone chilling rain, Minho gestured down the path.

"We need to get going, Noona. The faster we start this, the sooner we'll be able to get home."

The pair followed Minju's footsteps, diverting from the fox's trail with their eyes set on the main road.

Chaewon frowned, "Why couldn't we be lucky like Tomi and Eunbi unnie. What are they even doing?"

"Hitomi ya told me they're busting a drug cartel near the walls of the capital," Minho replied, "Given the fact that those two were put on that mission, I assume the people they're against are strong."

The radish reeled her head back, taking a deep breath before jolting her head forward, sneezing into her arm.

"I hope I don't get sick from this..."

Minho turned to the older girl, extending his hand.

"Let me see your hand, Noona."

Chaewon placed the back of her hand on top of Minho's palm, prompting the boy to connect the two palms.

"Wh-What are you doing?!"

"Use a small amount of your Allele to warm your hand. We can cycle the heat through our bodies better by using our Alleles together."

Chaewon glanced at the boy's hood, letting out a soft breath. Warm pulses of heat passed from Chaewon's hand to Minho's, allowing the boy to spread the heat throughout her body.

"Woah..." Chaewon trailed, "How do you know how to do this?"

"My Allele needs a lot of precision to use, so something like this isn't very hard for me to do."

Chaewon rubbed the tips of her free hand together, pursing her lips. She turned toward the taller boy with soft eyes.

"Thank you, Minho ya."

Minho hummed. His hood kept a barrier between the two gazes--Minho's focused on the path in front of him.

Suddenly, Minho whisked his head away from the trail, swiping his free hand through the air. A thin needle of fire ejected from the boy's hand, sending a shattering crash through the area.

"What was that?!" Chaewon gasped.

"Someone's here."

Minho tightened his grip on Chaewon's hand, pulling her closer.

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