Chapter Eleven: New Students

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"Okay. Look here, Ji Hoon. You may be our strongest, but you're also our pillar. If you do anything stupid, it reflects on us as a country. You're here to gain experience which means you are to listen to us."

"If I am correct, Handong ssi, this is a stealth mission, right?"


"Then why is she here?"

The small group turned to Jinsoul who stared back.


"She's here because she can teleport us in and out. Handong ssi and I are here for the actual espionage, and you're here to protect us if anything goes awry," Kami explained.

Ji Hoon sighed turning toward the cliffside.

"This is stupid..."

"I know it is, Hyung," Kami frowned, "But this is a really important mission. That's why Handong sunbae-nim is here."

The boy crossed his arms peering down onto the large town. Faint lights flickered from the streets, spreading their light in the dark, cloudy night. Large patches of trees surrounded the development with a wide path winding into the town's main entrance.

What are we waiting for...?

"Hey Jinsoul ssi."

Jinsoul turned to the boy, raising her eyebrows.

"I'm going in. Do you want to come with?"

Jinsoul opened her mouth, hissing through her teeth.

"I don't know if we should act without the other two's plan first..."

"That's okay," Ji Hoon waved, "I'll see you on the flip side then."

"Wait what-"

As the clouds parted from the moon's gaze, Ji Hoon leapt off the cliffside, causing the woman's eyes to widen.

"Uh... guys..."

"JYP's guards are stationed all over the place, so we should-"


Handong grit her teeth, lifting her head, "What?"

"Ji Hoon jumped..."


Kami sighed, rubbing his forehead, "We have to follow him..."

Handong grabbed her headband from her waist, tying it around her forehead.

"Jung, follow him. We'll catch up."

Jinsoul nodded, turning around. With the woman gone Handong sighed, glaring toward Kami.

"If something bad happens, this is on you."

Ji Hoon closed his eyes, spreading his arms as the wind pressed against his back.

Let's get this thing started.

The boy flipped through the air, touching onto the grass without a sound.

"Ji Hoon ssi! We need to think about a plan!!"

The boy waved his hand, "There's no need for a plan! We're just stopping a coup, right?"

Ji Hoon turned toward the JYP capital, punching his palm.

"Deal with their leader and their coup crumbles."


Ji Hoon sprinted through the forest, leaping atop the closest building.

They're probably in the shadiest looking building.

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