Chapter Fifty-Nine: Death

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"What do you mean she went out on a mission?" Tatsuo questioned. "Where did she go?"

"Toward the YG border," Chaeyeon replied.

Tatsuo sighed, pinching his nose, "I'm heading over there."

Chaeyeon furrowed her eyebrows, "Why?"

"Cause she has Mayu-chan's present that I asked her to keep on her person."

Yujin dismantled the stone wall before her, revealing three separate hallways--each extending in the cardinal directions. She took a deep breath, expanding her reach. In the blink of an eye, the walls surrounding her disappeared, causing those hidden by it to turn in shock.

"I should have known," Yujin sighed. "Orca..."

She placed pillars between the ground and ceiling as she approached the closest person. Without mercy, she raised him by his collar, protruding her jaw.

"What's your job here?"

"A-A guard..." the man stuttered.

Instantly, the man disappeared causing mass hysteria to flood the underground base.

Don't worry, Y/n. There wasn't anything lethal in that injection. But, they put that in you for a reason.

Yujin expanded her domain further, turning walls to pillars. With the entire place hallowed out, she created shackles around each and every person's limbs. The space between herself and her new prisoners shortened to just a few paces, giving her a quick head count.

"If you value your lives, you'll tell me what that injection does. I know who you are, but you'll have to voice up for me to listen. That person who just disappeared died a horribly painful death, and I'll take every single one of you there if I need to. I'm feeling real pissed after my most recent mission."

Y/n rubbed his head, groaning as he sat up. He gasped, frantically patting his surroundings before sighing at the sight of Bae and Nako sitting next to his bed.

"I thought this was all just a dream. What am I doing in a surprisingly comfortable bed?"

"You were injected with something," Bae answered. "Do you feel off at all?

Y/n rotated his shoulders, shaking his head, "I'm all good."

"That's relieving," Nako sighed.

She stood from Y/n's bedside, turning to the hole Yujin delved into. A slight chill ran down her spine as she remembered the pressure that settled around the instructor before she entered.

Nako glanced toward the forest, narrowing her eyes. The bushes rustled with three distinct heads poking from the foliage.

"Guys, we have company--three o'clock."

Y/n slid from his bed, cracking his knuckles, "Let's do this!!"

He dashed through the rotting wood, stopping suddenly. Bae and Nako glanced toward each other before turning back to Y/n.


Y/n stared at his hands, wide-eyed.

I can't summon a sword.

No matter what he tried, none of the weapons he thought of came to his hand.

No problem. I'll just go into my selfless state.

Y/n closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. He imagined the markings flowing from his eye and down his arm, yet nothing came.

What's happening-

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