Chapter Forty-Six: Domain

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Yellow clasped his hands together, extending his intertwined fists forward, "Let's wrap this up!!"

Static arcs crackled over the man's skin as a field of electricity expanded through the streets. Bolts of lightning crashed into the asphalt, sundering it from its base.

Kami crossed his wrists over his chest, drawing necrotic mist from his sleeves. He spread his arms with a deep breath, causing a grim darkness to cascade over the block. Skeletal hands broke through the nearby concrete, sprouting seven ossein figures.

A blur of yellow zipped in front of Kami. Sparks sprayed through the air and Kami's dagger rebounded off Yellow's blade.

"You can keep up?!" Yellow beamed. The man followed up with consecutive slashes. Each slash grew his smile further in response to his excitement. "What the hell are you??"

In the blink of an eye, Kami disappeared. A bone soldier immediately replaced the instructor, drawing Yellow's attention to the six others approaching him.

'This guy's fast!!' Yellow thought to himself. 'How did he know to cancel my sure-hit with his own though?'

Kami drove his dagger into Blue's back. He retrieved the blade before a case of ice could trap his weapon, directing his attention back toward Yellow.

"You are gravely mistaken if you think you can look away from me," Blue growled.

Spikes of ice exploded in Kami's position. Yet, only a skeleton hung in his position. The spikes drove through its bones from a central core inside its ribs.

As Kami moved, a part of him felt at home. He knew not what he was doing, but every move felt preprogrammed. Wherever danger was, he was not. With each step and swing, Kami felt his identity return--piece by piece.

"What are you doing, Red?!" Blue shouted. "Get down here and help us!!"

"To think you two are having trouble with this lowly level three..." Red grumbled.

Kami leapt through the air. He slammed his heel into Yellow's forearm, causing the man to slide back. Necrotic mist flowed from the instructor's leg and into Yellow. It bit at his skin, sapping the very life from his body.

Lightning surged around Kami prompting him to switch once more. He crouched atop the ice spikes with his eyes glued to Yellow.

My skeletons rebuild themselves after destruction... Okay.

"What the hell is happening???" Yellow questioned, "They just keep coming back!!" He sliced through the group of skeletons, clicking his tongue as they stood back up. "Why isn't his domain canceled out by mine???"

Red sighed. He glared toward his ally before pressing the pads of his fingers together. An orb of fire burned between his hands with a bright orange radiance.

"Hell's Raze!!"

The surrounding scenery shifted to a barren wasteland. Glowing cracks of magma splintered the ash filled ground and the air superheated around them.

Suddenly, the atmosphere returned to its evening peace. The buildings returned and the ground's structure restored back to its concrete and asphalt composition. The visage of Red's domain shattered into shards of glass as if its very foundation collapsed.


Kami swept his foot over the ground and Red off his feet. He sprung off his hands, dodging a triplet of explosions. The natural crimson glow of the instructor's eyes oscillated in the wind just as his cloak did.

"Woah..." Sumin breathed. "He's destroying them..."

Fear, admiration and envy swirled in Jinju's eyes. The idea of fighting Kami struck her like a bell. Who is he? How did he get here? What does he want? These questions ate at her legs until they collapsed under her.

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