Pt2Ch44: JYP V

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Yeji bolted in front of Tsuki, forcing the latter to backstep. Tsuki narrowly dodged punch after punch, huffing as Yeji forced her to dance around the rain. In a flash of yellow, Yeji blinked behind Tsuki, grabbing her tail. The woman froze, groaning as the muscles branching around her spine tensed.

She knows my weakness?!

Yeji slammed Tsuki into the ground, kicking her stomach. As Tsuki skidded across the ground, Yeji appeared above her, splintering the ground with a stomp. Lightning crackled around the woman's stomp, catching Tsuki's cheek despite narrowly dodging.

This woman's a monster!!

Before she could react, Yeji grabbed Tsuki's face. She threw the woman into a building, cracking the exterior. Malice and disgust surged through Yeji's eyes as she raised Tsuki into the air by her neck.

Tsuki's body convulsed as electrical currents ran through Yeji and into her. Through her fading vision, she watched Yeji raise her hand to the sky. A lightning bolt snapped through the air thick enough to swallow both Yeji and Tsuki completely. Before it could crash down, the streak of white pivoted off course and into a lightning-shaped antenna atop a man's head.

Chen skidded to a stop next to Yeji, tearing Tsuki from her hands. Lightning danced around his body, dispersing harmlessly into the ground. "Are you alive, Tsuki ssi?"

"Barely..." Tsuki groaned.

"Good enough for me." Chen grew in size, taking on lupine-like features. He leapt atop the nearest building, dashing with Tsuki cradled in his arms.

A second bolt of lightning crashed down behind Chen, shaking the block. Static filled the atmosphere as a streak of white sliced through the air. Yeji grabbed the back of Chen's collar, tossing him into the air. Chen wrapped his body around Tsuki's as a barrage of lightning struck the man repeatedly.

Despite the thunderous assault, Chen crashed into the ground undamaged. He howled into the night sky, prompting a swarm of werewolves to emerge onto the streets and toward Yeji.

Explosions of fire and water colliding echoed in the distant streets, matching the volatile elemental explosions of fire, water, ice, lightning, wind, and earth Nichkhun released. Swarms of werewolves flung into the air at the mercy of Haewon, allowing Wooyoung, Maya, and Rio to snipe at them while Lee Junho and Chansung evacuated citizens.

"Where the hell are these things coming from?!" Sungjin shouted.

Jae extended his arm, spewing flames down the road, "Who knows! This is fun!!"

Separated from his group members, Wonpil flooded the streets with a lavender gas, putting the horde to sleep. He stepped back as icicles rained from above, killing on impact. Dowoon danced around the raining shards, punching and kicking the sleeping lycanthropes with a tune in his head.

Sua extended her hand to her side, condensing the surrounding moonlight into her hand. She pointed it toward Yuna while the woman plucked a single leaf from a tree. Yuna's hair shifted from black to green as the leaf in her hand morphed into a scimitar. Neither spoke a word, using a distant explosion to mark the start of their skirmish.

Yuna swiped her free hand, launching a barrage of pine-shaped needles through the air. The light of Sua's blade intensified with each swing she committed to, deflecting the needles. She swung her sword, launching a crescent moonbeam through the dark street.

Vines sprouted from Yuna's feet, intercepting the beam. They hissed in agony with steam rising from the area struck. Yuna dismissed the vines, clashing blades. Both parties danced between sword strikes, performing elegant twists and turns to evade and build momentum behind their swings.

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