Chapter Seventy-Four: The New Sumin

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Yeeun clapped her hands together, pointing the tips of her fingers toward Kami.

"Try this!!"

A small ball of fiery energy shot toward the instructor, prompting him to draw his sword. In one clean strike, the energy ball split, dispersing its contents around Kami before erupting into one continuous wall of fire around him.

Shit. He's way stronger that I predicted.

Yeeun chuckled, shaking her head.

Sorry, Hierarch. I'm going to do something cheap to get rid of this guy.

Sigils and seals of varying sizes and shapes formed around Yeeun as she pressed the pads of her fingers together. A crown of shimmering white light surrounded the woman, rotating with her muttered words. It spread around the perimeter of Jinju's house, heating everything inside.

What are you going to do about this?

Kami bolted in front of the woman, aiming his sword at her neck.


"How long does it take a team of trained assassins to grab one girl?" Donghoon questioned.

"She should be here any moment," Chan replied.

Donghoon clicked his tongue. He eyed Red, Blue, Yellow, and the various guards stationed around his throne room.

"Tell them to hurry. We can't risk her 'friends' finding out."

"Are you worried about White Rabbit?" Chan prodded.

"Why the fuck-" Donghoon paused, taking a deep breath. "No! I'm talking about that stupid anomaly running around in the dungeon!! One was fine, but with two around, we have two pains in the ass that could tear our plans apart!"

Chan turned to the surrounding guards, gesturing toward the surrounding forces, "I'm not sure why you're so worried. Not only do we have everyone around here, but you're level twenty yourself."

"Your hubris disgusts me," Donghoon glared.

"Hubris?" Chan grinned, straightening his clothes, "I see it more as deserved confidence. According to the catalog's archives, this second anomaly you fear so much is only level ten. The same as the other one--who you have made your pawn, I should add."

The attendant paced in front of the throne, throwing his hands into the air, "By all means those two should take each other out, and your plan should carry on without any problems!"

Blue raised his hand, earning the eyes of both Donghoon and Chan. "If I may comment, Red Rabbit, the person I assume is the subject of this conversation, is not to be underestimated."

Chan's confident grin faded, and his eyes sharpened. "How so?"

"When he fought him as a level three, it felt like fighting a better version of the first anomaly," Red explained.

"He's also much, much faster than the first," Yellow added. "Since speed isn't the Hierarch's strong suit, I fear Red Rabbit might pose a threat."

"Are you hearing yourselves?!" Chan slammed his glasses against the floor, causing the surrounding guards to flinch. "The Hierarch is double this guy's level! He could probably sneeze him away!!"

"But he beat the three of us alone while we were in a similar position," Blue argued.

"You little-!!"

"Chan. That is enough," Donghoon interrupted.

Chan cleared his throat, summoning a new pair of glasses into his hands. He placed the spectacles on his face with a soft sigh, "My apologies, Hierarch. It will not happen again."

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