Pt2Ch54: Chimera's Flames III

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Minju rubbed her stomach while she laid in Y/n's arms. Not only did their wellsprings change significantly, but she anticipated the new addition to her life. Streams of sunlight filtered through the window, giving Minju's skin a soft glow. "Oppa, did you know energy can do anything? I was researching it in my free time, and I learned it has life-giving powers."

"Meaning..." Y/n trailed.

"We don't have to wait the full nine months to have a child," Minju smiled.

Y/n squinted. "I didn't pay much attention in biology, but that doesn't seem right."

Minju climbed on top of Y/n, pressing their bare skin together. "Doesn't matter. What matters is when we're going to get married."

"I don't know if now's the right time-you know with all the teaching we have to do and stuff," Y/n mumbled.

"True." Minju pecked Y/n's lips. "Doesn't mean we can't plan for it though."

She reached down, grinning at Y/n's widened eyes. "Let's go again."

Y/n interlocked his fingers with Minju's, sighing contently. He raised their hands into the air, furrowing his eyebrows at a faint glowing string attached to the back of his hand.

"Do you see that?" Y/n asked.

"What is this...?" Minju mumbled.

Y/n swiped at the string with his other hand. As if the string wasn't there, his fingers passed right through. Y/n separated his hand. "When did this get here?! Is it someone's allele?"

"Doesn't feel like it." Minju's eyes followed the string to the back of her hand. Despite pulling her hand away from Y/n's, the string didn't seem to change. "I honestly have no clue what's going on here."

As they prepared to leave the town, a hooded figure approached the two. They flashed Orca's insignia before gesturing toward the town's entrance.

"You have summons at the main base," the figure said.

The couple glanced toward one another, shrugging. Over the span of days, they made their way back to IZLand's capital. While Minju couldn't feel it, a part of Y/n felt a strong force radiate from the castle.

I'll check that out later.

Minju entered through the base's main entrance at the castle while Y/n took a branching path to avoid Doyoon. Inside, Y/n found himself escorted to Yuri's room. The hamster's dull eyes and bleak expression softened as she turned to Y/n.

Y/n wrapped his arms around Yuri as she hugged him. "Are you feeling better?"

"A little," Yuri breathed. "Your wellspring has changed--a lot."

The doctor responsible for Yuri stepped into the room with his eyes glued to the clipboard in his hands. He read down papers with an apprehensive sigh. "Yuri's been recovering well, but we've noticed that she only shows signs of progression when we introduce the idea of you to her. So, we request that you keep her by your side at all times."

Y/n glanced down to Yuri, meeting her weak smile. "I guess I can do that. Am I allowed to take her off-base?"

"As long as you keep her away from lightning, she'll be fine," the doctor assured.

With Yuri in hand, Y/n lead the hamster through the base. He toured her around before bringing the pair to the castle's surface.

So this is what it is...

Minju wandered through the halls in search of the person who could have called for her. She meandered until she came face to face with Doyoon. The boy flashed a bright smile, pecking Minju's cheek.

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