Chapter Thirty-Three: Intruders

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Soft twinkles of stardust fluttered in the air. It illuminated the cobblestone with a gentle aquamarine hue until it dispersed. A bright golden circle shed beams of light, lifting the body inside with a graceful hand.

In a wave washing over the body from head to toe, the color returned to the cold dead skin. The bone in the severed arm socket grew with muscles and skin accompanying it in cannon.

Kyu took a deep breath as his feet touched upon the ground.

"Where am I...?"

He scanned his immediate surroundings, furrowing his eyebrows. Three bodies belonging to the ministry of intelligence laid sparsely on the ground. Upon investigating them, the boy deemed them asleep.

"Why are they sleeping on the job? This doesn't feel right."

Kyu walked through the door, glancing at the sleeping scientists laying underneath the glass window meant to peer into his room.

We're under attack.

The boy sprinted through the hallways, bursting from the building holding him. A large canopy of clouds cast an eerie shadow on the land with two hand-like holes opening the sky to the sun's rays.

"Was SM hiding something from us??"

Kyu bolted around the block before climbing atop the nearby guard tower. Bodies of sleeping citizens scattered the dead silent streets. The sound of faint footsteps drew Kyu's attention to the figures moving between buildings.

He squinted at their hoods, clicking his tongue. "SM."

Before he could leap toward their direction, a surge of pressure careened over Kyu causing him to whisk his head toward the bordering walls.

Are they going to blow a hole into the wall?? Where are the others?!

Kyu scaled the tower's exterior walls before hopping onto a nearby roof. He rushed to the wall's base, pooling energy into his legs.

This feels familiar... There's no way.

The energy in Kyu's legs threw him into the air and just below the wall's peak, allowing him to grab onto and haul himself on top.

"Hana ya!!"

Kyu knelt in front of the sleeping girl. He scanned her body for injuries, shaking her after taking her pulse. Arcs of lighting buzzed around her skin prompting the boy to link with one.

A flurry of information flooded Kyu's mind, showing him the contents of her dreams. He placed his hand on her cheek, rubbing her milky skin gently. His heart skipped a beat as she nuzzled her cheek against his palm.

The energy pooling in Hana's chest grew exponentially, causing Kyu to flinch. His instincts screamed at him to run. He knew she would level the capital if she released the energy she collected, but he stayed cemented in his spot.

"Hey, I'm here. Just open your eyes."

Hana gasped as she raised her head. She locked eyes with Kyu, growing a smile on his face.

"Good morning~"


Hana pounced on top of the boy. She nuzzled her face against his clothes, taking a deep breath of his scent. Tears poured into the cloth fibers, leading to the pent up energy in her heart dispersing through her body.

"Is it really you...?"

Kyu caressed Hana's head. "Yeah. I'm back."

The couple basked in the silent warmth of each other's presence. Gusts of wind brushed through their hair, carrying the faint sound of rustling leaves below. Along with her pink blush, Hana's delicate smile raised her squished cheek.

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