Chapter Sixty-Five: Resignation

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Hitomi arose from her cot into a room not too different from IZLand's infirmary. Soft sunlight filtered through the windows and silky curtains, exposing the esoteric stream of dust that flittered through the sun's fingers.

The feeling of waking up on the cot felt alien to the girl; she had always been the one visiting the patient--whether it be Y/n after a beating or another one of her classmates. In spite of that, she felt soothed. Her muscles felt better than ever, and her mind felt renewed.

In separate beds spaced around the room, Eunbi and Minho peacefully slept under the same warmth she did. The pearly white sheets hugged the two students like a gentle layer of snow--a scene reminiscent of the snowy landscape she ventured through prior.


Frantically, Hitomi whisked her head around the room, sighing as she spotted Hikaru sleeping against the wall. For the first time since she met the Hanam, a sense of tranquility washed over her face. The serene demeanor spread to Hitomi, calming her racing heart. Though she did not know where they were, she trusted Hikaru brought them to safety.

Hitomi slid from her bed, stepping toward the window. To her surprise, not a single spec of dirt, flora, or fauna appeared behind the glass pane. Only a heavenly light that spanned as far as she could see.

Are we dead?

The kunoichi pinched herself, wincing.

If we're not dead, then where are we?

Scenes of her encounter with Yukiharu shot chills down her arms, numbing her skin. Pins and needles pricked at Hitomi's palm and into her arm as she grasped her head. The fleeting helplessness she recalled flourished in her chest, eliciting a sigh.

I need a jutsu that can get us out of sticky situations like that one.

Seunghyun grabbed the doorknob leading to his country, pausing as an irritating pressure beat at the back of his head. He turned toward Yuri with a look of disdain, meeting her determined stare.

"Fight me," Yuri demanded.

"You just narrowly escaped death from Ezaki Hikaru and now wish to die?" Seunghyun shook his head, "You criminals always confuse me."

"How did you know it was her?" the young girl questioned.

"Traces of her Allele are all over your body. You might have had whatever hit you removed, but the energy hindering your healing is still there," he explained.

Without another word, Seunghyun stepped through the door, leaving Yuri alone in the crossroads. She eyed the eight doors, pausing at IZLand's.

"'scuse me."

Yuri's eyes shifted to Namjoon as he passed her. The pillar twisted the IZLand door, meeting Yuri's gaze with a glance.

"You're the newest Hanam in YG, right? I don't know what it is, but you seem familiar."

Namjoon stepped through the door, leaving Yuri in silence once more. Though faint, she felt Hana's encroaching presence sweep through the door like a draft. It numbed her skin like a static field, causing the hairs along her body to stand on its ends.

Inside the dense IZLand forest, Namjoon stuck his hands into pockets with a grin. Beams of light seeped through the dense canopy, providing gentle light for the passing fauna.

"It's been a while since I last visited~"

"Mind explaining why you're visiting?"

Namjoon shifted his gaze into the trees, eyeing the man crouched in its covers. "Kafu! How've you been?"

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