Pt2Ch14: Into the Darkness

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Y/n let off a heavy sigh. He placed his forearm over his eyes, filling his sight with the same darkness that filled the room. Beneath him, a soft queen-sized bed cradled his weight, and the gentle scent reminiscent of Yujin's room permeated the air.

Slowly, the room's door creaked open, creating a cascade of flickering light through the door's crevice. Yuri slipped into the room, lighting the array of lanterns spaced evenly along the walls. The soft fabric sheets rippled under her fingertips as she glided her hand along the bed.

"How are you feeling?" she asked.

Y/n let off a low grumble. He uncovered his eyes, turning to the hamster with a dull stare. A faint spark of emotion lit his eyes upon making contact with Yuri's.

"How do I get her back?" Y/n mumbled. "And where am I?"

"No 'hello' or 'long time no see'?" Yuri frowned. She walked along her room, picking up and setting down the various souvenirs from across the continent, "It's been a really long time since we last saw each other, Oppa."

Y/n sighed, "Yeah. I'm just feeling down." He followed Yuri around the room with his eyes, watching her pick up each individual item. "You've grown well in four years."

"You too," Yuri reciprocated. She placed herself at the foot of her bed, sweeping her black oversized t-shirt under her thighs before sitting down. "Before I tell you how to get Minju back, I need you to promise me one thing. It's the only way I can make sure she comes back."

Silence swept through the room as Y/n and Yuri stared intently. Y/n nodded, spreading a faint grin across the hamster's face.

Yuri extended her pinky, "I need you to promise me you'll stay with me--through thick and thin. I can get everything back. Your allele, Minju, everything."

Without hesitating, Y/n locked his pinky around Yuri's. A rune similar to the many markings along Yuri's body formed on the back of Y/n's hand. as it solidified, the seal on Y/n's forehead glowed a deep crimson, causing Y/n to flinch. He grasped his head in agony while the rune shattered.

"That damned crow," Yuri cursed under her breath.

She took Y/n's right hand into her own, cradling it with one while interlocking their fingers with the other. With a soft sigh, Yuri reformed the rune on his palm.

"There. You should be able to use your allele now. It's just a temporary fix while we get the real thing restored."

Y/n examined his hand. Just as easily as before he lost his allele, Y/n summoned a katana to his hand.

"How...?" he asked with furrowed eyebrows.

Yuri stood up, grabbing Y/n 's hand, "We have a lot of catching up to do. Let's eat. I'm sure you're hungry."

With her elbow locked around his arm, Yuri led Y/n through the ORCA base. Pristine marble-like walls and a carefully crafted floor decorated the hall. Torch sconces casted dancing lights along the wide space, and the murmurs of people echoed from the passing rooms.

On occasion, the two passed pairs of people dressed like scientists. Each time, they would appear stressed or anxious as they walked by. In the event one would look toward Yuri, the other immediately corrected the first.

"So. How did you... survive?" Y/n asked.

"I was never really in danger," Yuri shrugged. "I've just been living here."

Y/n hummed, "Is it normal for people to look at sixteen year olds in fear here?"

"In fear?"

Y/n pointing toward a pair of passing scientists, "Like that."

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