Pt2Ch49: Dragonforge IV

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Riwon slung the woman's arm over her shoulder while Daeun caught her breath. Once ready, the trio stepped out of the doors. Riwon flinched as an ear piercing ring filled the halls. Hayoung glanced toward the reeling woman, clicking her tongue.

"Shit! We didn't check for traps!!" Hayoung cursed.

Daeun and Hayoung bolted down the hall, prompting Riwon to follow behind with the unconscious woman cradled in her arms. As they resurfaced on the first floor of IZland's castle, six men stepped before the trio.

"How bold," Suho remarked. He glared the three down, "Where is the treasure? Are there more of you?"

Hayoung drew a katana from her back, charging Suho. While Xiumin intercepted her attack, a current of wind swept through the first floor. Heavy winds swirled around Hayoung's feet as she took a heavy breath.

"Go ahead!!" Hayoung shouted.

Daeun glanced toward Riwon, nodding before darting for the stairs. Before they could reach the steps, Kai blinked in front of Daeun with red glowing eyes. He took a swipe, leaving a trail of dark smoke from his left hand.

Riwon summoned Hyungseo, tossing the unconscious woman toward her apparition. She caught Kai's hand by the wrist, throwing him across the room. Without wasting a breath, Riwon blocked a strike from Lay--bracing herself as a secondary hit pulsed from his palm, sending her flying toward Kai.

The ground below Daeun rumbled, forcing her to leap back as Sehun broke through the surface. A column of water followed behind the man, curling through the air before darting toward the young girl.

Hayoung glanced behind her back, narrowly side-stepping a claw swipe from Suho; blocking a sword strike from Xiumin.

"Keep your eyes forward," Xiumin scolded.

With a scoff, Hayoung kicked Suho away. She swiped her sword through the air, launching a net of rapid wind slashes. The currents tore through the stony interior of the castle, cutting into Suho's skin. Despite hitting Xiumin, the man remained free of any damage.

Can he absorb energy?

Suho howled into the air, causing the six men to transform. Suho grew in size, taking the form of a bipedal white and red werewolf. His red eyes glowed heavily with bloodlust, creating a sense of unease in the air.

Xiumin hunched forward on all four limbs. His lupine features morphed him into a wolf with white and orange fur. The handle of his blade morphed to fit his mouth perfectly, and a blue aura radiated from his body.

Two large horns sprouted from Kai's head. Black fur covered his skin as he turned into a hound. An intense heat radiated from the man's canine body, and flames sputtered from his snout.

Sehun transformed into a quadrupedal wolf, sporting orange fur and a white mane. Fragments of rock splintered from the ground, rising into the air until they floated around Sehun's face.

Lay remained upright on his feet, only partially transforming. His hands turned into paws with spikes protruding from the back. Blue fur covered the man's body, glowing with the flow of his allele.

Chanyeol grew in size, planting all four of his limbs on the ground. Patterns of white and blue decorated his fur; a purple hair-like main flowed in the wind Hayoung generated with two white tail-like appendages swaying on either side.

Lay rushed Riwon with a barrage of palm strikes, forcing her to sheath her sword. The two brawled while Kai pursued Hyungseo around the room. Despite stacking chi on top of his energy enforcement, Riwon outsped Lay. She danced between his strikes, throwing jabs sharp enough to stagger him.

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