Chapter Sixteen: Reunion

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Y/n sucked the surrounding air through his teeth, coating his blade in a veil of lightning. 

"Take this!!"

The boy sliced through the Nue's head. The monster quickly turned to smoke, leaving Y/n, Bae and the summoner alone.

"Surrender," Y/n ordered.

"I refu-"

Y/n struck the back of the man's head with his pommel, sending the man to the ground. 

"Where are the other three?" Y/n questioned.

"How are you here...?"

"I returned to IZLand a couple hours ago, but when I got there, neither of you were there. I asked Mr. Shin and he said you guys went on a mission, so I asked if I could join. He said yeah, and some girl named Jinsoul took me here."

"I see," Bae sighed, "Nako ya's in the field, her father's resting in a tunnel, and Tatsuo ssi is in a large stone maze."

"Tatsuo...?" Y/n trailed.

"I'll catch you up later."

Y/n grinned, nodding before darting through the forest. He stopped before the large cloud of dust, pursing his lips. 

"Do I go in there head first? Or should I scan the outside..."

The boy spun around, deflecting an energy arrow.

"Outside it is."

Y/n's eyes trained on the few figures outside of the dust plume.


With a relaxed deep breath, Y/n blitzed around the battlefield, knocking everyone he could find unconscious. 

"Alright. Now for this large cloud..."

Bae said Nako ya is inside, so I can't swing recklessly...

Y/n sheathed his sword, filling his body with as much air as he could muster. He lowered his stance, creating a large bladed fan in both of his hands.

Iaijutsu. Remember the fundamentals.

Lightning crackled around the fan, arcing toward the ground as Y/n's grip tightened.

Convert to energy.

Y/n swung his fan, blowing a large gust of wind through the dust cloud. As the dust began to disperse, Y/n let go of his fan.


The boy gripped his sheath, breaking the seal of his sword with his thumb. As soon as Nako touched upon the ground, he blitzed in front of her, snapping her aggressor's polearm in half. 

"Long time no see, Nako ya."

Nako gasped.


The two students shifted their weight, slamming their heels into the aggressor's stomach. 

"Bae's in the forest!"

"I already helped him," Y/n smiled, "All that's left is that maze."

"We should leave the maze alone," Nako protested, "Tatsuo san has seismic sense, so we'd only get in his way."

"Oh," Y/n sheathed his sword, "Okay. Who is this Tatsuo person anyway?"

"He filled in for your spot very briefly, but he stopped coming to the academy because he was taking on missions," Nako answered.

"Is he the same age as us?"

"Two years older than you."

"Wow," Y/n trailed, "Did I miss anything important?"

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