Chapter Thirty-Seven: Clash

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Kami lagged slightly behind Sumin-a puzzled look splayed across his face. The visuals that plagued his field of view remained on the border of his vision, shifting out of the way as his eyes moved.

"This stuff in my face is annoying." he commented.

Sumin turned her head, raising her eyebrows. "Stuff? Oh- You mean the 'UI'. Let me help you."

She swept her index and middle fingers through the air, repeating the motions while gesturing with her free hand. "Do this and the menu should open up."

Kami mimicked the act springing a column of photogenic circles into the air.

"Click the gear looking thing and then select 'display hud." Sumin explained. "I don't know why it's a default setting."

"Gear?" Kami questioned. "I don't see anything that looks like gear."

"The..." Sumin crossed her arms. "The... what's it called...?" She scratched her head, letting off a light sigh. "The cog!! Press on the cog."

Kami raised his eyes, "What is a cog?"

Sumin raised her eyebrows, "Seriously...? It's the last one at the bottom."

The young man followed the instructions causing the visuals to disappear. "Thank you."

"No problem." Sumin waved. "Speaking of the menu, let's check something out."

An excited expression curved her mouth upward as she swept her finger through the air. Her eyes sparkled with interest, eventually widening.

"We're the same age?!"

"How do you know that?" Kami furrowed his eyebrows. "What does this thing tell you about me?"

"Only the basics." Sumin waved dismissively. "Your age, height, stuff like that. Now that I mentioned that, you're pretty short for someone your age. We're practically the same height."

Kami opened his menu before studying the other circles present. Among his options the sword caught his attention. Upon pressing it, a dagger spawned in his hand, drawing Sumin's attention.

"Ya! What are you doing?! Put that away!!"

Kami stepped back, "What? Why? How?"

Sumin pointed through the air, "Do the exact same thing you just did! Quickly!!" With the dagger gone, Sumin sighed heavily. "You're lucky no one's around."

"Why?" Kami questioned.

"If you have your gear out just like that, you're practically asking for a fight." Sumin explained. "Since you're new here, I don't expect you to know... but this society is uh... not the kindest to the weak. Strength means everything here, so if you want to stay safe, keep your head low."

Kami nodded, "Okay."

He walked next to Sumin toward the destination he knew not of, stopping once more. "I have a question."

Sumin hummed.

"Why are you doing all of this for me?"

The young woman shrugged, "I just like helping people out! Except... I've also grown attached." She scratched the back of her neck with a hesitant chuckle. "It's hard for me to make friends since I'm so weak, so it's not often I get to talk casually with someone."

"I see." Kami stepped forward prompting Sumin to do the same.

Silence surrounded the two, flaring Kami's skin. The eerie absence of nature felt alien to the instructor with the only reasoning being that something was off.

Deus Didymus: RendTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon