Chapter Forty-Eight: Level Four

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Kami strolled along the sidewalk. Dozens of eyes trained on him for all different reasons.

"Why is he carrying his weapon on him?"

"He probably thinks he's special because he was walking with White Rabbit the other day."

"I saw them enter the same house with another girl."

"No way... She's going for a chump like him? He looks so weak!"

"Do you think he's seen her naked? I mean... she shows so much skin already."

"Oh to be able to see those D cups in their full beauty~"

"D?! No way, they're at least E."

"Who cares? They're round, perky, and I'd love to touch them-those perfectly curved hips too..."

"Have they kissed? I wonder what her lips taste like...."

"I've heard they taste sweet and like condensed milk."

"That was weirdly specific... who told you that?"

"What the fuck are you guys saying?? Her charming point is that angelic, smooth voice of hers. It feels like fine silk is brushing against my ears whenever she speaks."

"Yeah, right, there's no way you've heard her speak. She almost never speaks."

The droning murmurs flowed through one ear and out the other. He continued unbothered until a large man stepped in front of him.

"You think you're hot shit because you were walking with a goddess, huh?" the man scoffed.

Kami remained silent. He stared blankly at the man before moving to step around him.

"Not so fast! You can't walk around with that weapon at your hip without asking for a fight."

He continued his attempt to step around the towering figure to no avail.

"Alright, that's it you little shit- Prepare to face a level two!!"

The man fumbled through his menu until a large axe appeared in his hands. With a smug grin, he swung the weapon with all of his might.

"That guy's really gonna get it..."

"That's what he gets for being so cocky. Maybe he'll learn."

Kami extended his arm, stopping the axe's head with his hand. Gasps and murmurs filled the streets as the instructor tossed the weapon aside.


The man trembled as he stepped back. Rage and contempt filled his expression, forcing his body to cease its shaking. "No, you move!!!"

Without moving a muscle, Kami brandished his rapier. It indented the man's throat, but did not pierce his flesh. "If you value your life, you will move."

"He's fast..."

"Where did he get that weapon?!"

"Is the katana on his belt just for show???"

The man stepped backward, stumbling to the ground. Kami stepped past him, waving his sword into the air. In that moment, the young man's crimson gaze etched itself into the spectators.

No normal person held such bloodlust in their eyes without malice; questions of his true identity swirled like a fine mist.

Kami scratched his head with map in hand. It hovered gently above his palm and updated his position with each step her took.

If I'm on floor forty-nine, that means the important floor's next... Every tenth floor is a boss floor, and every twenty-five floors is a frenzy floor... Floor fifty is a frenzy boss room?

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