PtCh8: Breakthrough

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"How are you here?" Minju breathed. "I thought you were-"

"Dead?" Yeseo giggled. "I am. But, my allele awakened in my final moments. Because of it, I'm able to do this just once."

"Do what?" Minju questioned.

Yeseo pressed her finger against Minju's head, quelling the pressure in Minju's body. "To stop you from killing yourself. I passed the information of the soul to you so that you could change the world, Minju."

The instructor stepped back, turning to the setting sun, "You have potential. Probably the most aside from Y/n, Yujin and Minho. I just know: one day, you'll be able to stand next to those three as a beacon of hope for the country. But first..."

With a gentle gesture, Yeseo pointed behind Minju, "You have to sort that out."

Minju turned her head to find Y/n standing behind her. When she turned back to Yeseo, the instructor was nowhere to be found, leaving only the couple on the rooftop.

"Minmin. I'm sorry," Y/n frowned. "I shouldn't be letting this affect you."

Minju lowered her eyes to the rooftop, "It wouldn't have affected me if you just told me from the start. I knew it was about her. You always could have just talked to me."

Y/n shook his head, "There's no need to. From now on, it'll just be you and me. If you want, we can move out together and start our own family when we get back from this mission."

"Move... out...?" Minju's eyes widened. She cupped her mouth, "We don't have to-"

"Let's do it," Y/n smiled. "We can be better than Minho and Chaewon."

He took Minju's hand into his own, leading her down to the ground floor. Like a pair of children, they built a fort with the crates and other materials around--sheets, chairs, and the like.

With a wide smile, Y/n crawled through the entrance. His arm brushed against a box, causing him to flinch. He propped his arm on his knee, inspected his new splinter with a pout. In the corner of his eye, he watched Minju crawl next to his wound with a sly grin.

"The big strong Ahn Y/n gets hurt by a box? Does your durability plummet when you're off guard?" she giggled.

Minju pulled the splinter out, pecking Y/n's arm. "I swear, next thing I know you're going to get a paper cut."

Y/n raised an eyebrow, "A paper cut from the god of paper or something?"

"Who knows?" Minju shook her head teasingly, "Mr. Shin is somewhere out there~"

Y/n shuddered at the idea of running into Kami. He placed his head on Minju's lap, letting off a heavy sigh, "I really hope I don't see him until he regains his memories. It's weird cause-"

Y/n lifted his head, frantically scrambling to his feet.

"What- What??" Minju questioned.

"Someone's coming; fast!" Y/n blurted.

The building's door blew open, and before Minju could comprehend, Y/n flew through the back wall.


A blade crept next to the fox's neck, flashing a glare of light into her eyes.

Y/n rolled onto his feet, grasping at his sword. In front of him, a woman stood with a blank stare. Her hair fell just above her shoulders, and the entirety of her body jittered.

She's fast.

Momo blitzed in front of Y/n, narrowly dodging the draw of his sword. Purple markings and lighting spread throughout his body, yet she remained a step ahead of Y/n. No matter how much air Y/n took in, Momo still outsped him--even if just by a little.

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