Pt2Ch77: Dimension Rift

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Y/n turned his head. Pins shot through his body as he sensed a dense mass of energy bounce off the trees as if it were flying. He summoned a staff to his hand, yet even the precognition it gave was too slow. A small cloaked body crashed into Y/n, pinning him to the ground. Riwon panted with a wide smile on her face. Her eyes sparkled passionately and in full view for Y/n to see. "I found you! We need to talk."

"I don't have time-"

Riwon cut Y/n off with a kiss. Though Y/n pushed at her shoulders, he couldn't muster any meaningful strength. "Do you have time now?" Riwon asked as she parted the single, prolonged kiss.

"I-I don't," Y/n stuttered with a hint of pink in his cheeks.

Riwon pressed her lips against Y/n's once more. Their kiss never let their lips separate, but instead the pair held their positions. Riwon pulled away, this time with hearts of energy forming in her eyes. She hovered her lips over Y/n's. Just high enough to let their skin touch. "Can I kiss you more? Will it give you time?"

"Why are you doing all of this?" Y/n questioned. "I've done too much to be saved..."

"Because... I love you, Oppa. I've loved you since I trusted you enough to show my face, and I will until I die. So please... give me a chance." Riwon cupped Y/n's face, reconnecting their kiss. This time, Riwon fed her passion into it. She filled this kiss with a string of smaller kisses, turning the innocent gesture into a make out session.

Her tail guided Y/n's hands to her waist, and her heart raced in her chest. Muffled mewls seeped from their kiss as Y/n took Riwon's tail into his hand. Slowly but surely, both Riwon and Y/n gave in to the moment. Y/n tugged at Riwon's waist with his free hand causing her back to arch and her stomach to press against his.

With their bodies connected, the pair's wellsprings inevitably became one. Stepping into Y/n's psyche filled Riwon with dread and the sense of falling. A separate entity pushed at her presence, rejecting her entry. In tandem with her resistance to magic, Riwon stood her ground with her hardened resolve as her shield.

She pushed and pushed, actively shoving the entity backward. In spite of the mental battle Riwon continued her kiss, taking in every precious second she could. As the internal struggle continued, the entity's power buckled. Riwon filled her body with energy, forming more hearts in her eyes and bolstering her spirit.

Like a pane of glass, the dark interior of Y/n's psyche shattered, and behind it Riwon found Y/n. She ran to him jumping into a hug with tears in her eyes. "I finally found you..."

Y/n's eyes shot open. He gasped, parting their lips. Riwon pulled her hood back, revealing all of her features and her loving eyes. "Welcome back," she whispered.

Y/n took a deep breath, resting his forearm over his eyes. Reality slowly settled into his mind reminding him of where he was. The soft surface of his freshly washed sheets and blanket rubbed against his skin and Minju's head rested gently atop his chest. Two small cuts on his face from his training the prior day throbbed just enough to let him know they were there.

Why did I dream that...?

A small sigh slipped between Y/n's lips prompting a muffled hum to come from the fox. Following his morning routine, Y/n stepped back into his room just in time to witness a shadowy figure solidify next to his bed. "Thank you for always doing this, Mr. Shin," Y/n said as he took Daehyun into his arms.

"It's no problem. To me, I'm just stepping in and out of a room," Kami dismissed. "Good job on keeping your end of the deal so far."

Y/n rubbed the seal planted onto his forehead. "I don't have much of a choice since you can follow me wherever I go. But, it feels nice knowing Daehyun is safe."

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