Pt2Ch52: Chimera's Flames

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Y/n danced around the swarm of Orca grunts blocking, parrying, and striking them down with just his hands. Once he grounded all of his competition, Y/n glanced toward Minju. The fox swept through a far larger crowd with a smile.

After the incident the prior month that caused Baekhyun to temporarily leave IZLand's capital, Y/n and Minju took it upon themselves to train the newly unlocked members. Though Minju invited Doyoon, he declined citing their weakness as far below him. With only two bodies to train hundreds, the pair spent countless hours finding ways to train the masses.

"Don't tell me I unlocked all of your wellsprings for nothing!!" she shouted.

Despite the vast numbers advantage, Minju emerged unscathed with just her hands and skills. Minju approached Y/n, flashing a smug grin. "I told you I'd win without a scratch."

"I swear you cheated," Y/n mumbled.

"Fine. How about we race to your room?" Minju proposed. She grabbed Y/n's face, slamming his head into the ground. As the ground splintered, Minju dashed into the hallways. "Go!!"

Y/n glared at the fox, summoning the kirin orb into his hand. It formed into a ring around his finger, supercharging his body. In a flash of blue, Y/n bolted through the halls. He threw a second orb toward Minju, sapping the energy from her body. Though he charged his body with Kirin's lightning and enforced his body with energy, Minju reached his door first.

Minju rolled over in Y/n's bed, panting. "I won!!"

"Yeah..." Y/n clutched the back of his head as he crawled into bed, "Cause you slammed my head into the ground before we started the race."

"Did it hurt?" Minju giggled. She pulled Y/n close, "Let me look at it."

While she felt for Y/n's sore spot, Minju hugged Y/n's face to her chest. Neither party could deny their position felt at least a little heart warming. Minju lightly tapped on the bloodied part of Y/n's head, giggling before fixing his wound.

"There. We're even."

Y/n hummed. He remained silent, prompting Minju to briefly pull away before pulling both of them down. Minju pulled the sheets over the two, tenderly hugging Y/n close to her body. Though she didn't know why, she caressed the back of his head just like she would Doyoon.

Is it because they're so similar...?

"Minju, why are you like this?" Y/n mumbled.

"Like what?"

Y/n hugged the fox, frowning, "Why do you pull me so close if you don't care if I die?"

Minju sat up, forcing Y/n to as well. The pair exchanged looks that told everything they needed to. Y/n searched for closure in their relationship while Minju wanted to explore it. Neither needed their wellsprings connected to know that, but when it inevitably did, Y/n found himself trapped in Minju's curiosity.

Minju turned her head, quickly sliding out of Y/n's bed. She cleared her throat, wiping the blush from her cheeks. "I have to go. Doyoon's nearby."

Y/n fell backward into his bead, sighing heavily. Minju's words rang in his head. He repeated them over and over again in his mind, questioning what she meant.

She made it seem like she'd keep her distance from me, but she's been doing the opposite of that this whole time...

Y/n closed his eyes, succumbing to his boredom. The curiosity in Minju's eyes mimicked Kim Minju's. She searched for more than their friendship, but why? Y/n recalled his connection to Minju's wellspring. This time, she didn't safeguard her feelings. There was a dissonance between her body and soul-the former wanting to reconnect with Y/n to the point of coaxing the latter.

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