Pt2Ch53: Chimera's Flames II

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Y/n summoned Benevolence's markings to his hand. He pressed his palm against Minju's wound, gagging on his panic. Y/n balled his hands into fists, squeezing until his nails tore into his skin. A myriad of thoughts and prayers ran through Y/n's mind, cluttering his head with white noise.

Y/n shifted around Minju's body, never staying in one place for too long. With his back to the dome of Orca members, Y/n grit his teeth. He stuck his fingers into Minju's wound, cursing under his breath while her clothes constricted his hand. Y/n tore Minju's shirt and bra from her torso, shoving his hand into Minju's chest.

Over and over Y/n squeezed Minju's heart. Each squeez caused blood to gush into the fox's chest cavity, forcing his stomach further toward his feet and despair into his heart.

Please wake up!

Y/n pinched Minju's nose with his free hand, blowing into her mouth. He took a deep breath, filling his lungs with energy before blowing both the air and energy into Minju's mouth. The presence of death swallowed the castle, furthering Y/n's panic. He didn't care if Hayoung came for him after. If his technique saved Minju's life, then that was all he needed.

Minju's body jolted, startling Y/n. She shook violently, opening her eyes. As she sat up, she pulled Y/n's hand from her chest. The wound in her chest closed, causing her to lean forward, throwing up blood.

Y/n pulled Minju into a hug. He sobbed into her shoulder, quelling the emotions running through Minju's mind. Though she didn't tap into his wellspring, she felt the despair in his tears.

"Thanks for saving my life," Minju said under her breath.

Atop the ruins, Kami looked down with Hayoung by his side. He eyed Hayoung's distressed expression. "Are you going to kill him?"

"How could I...?" Hayoung mumbled. She sniffled, wiping her eyes with her arm. "Even I'm not that heartless."

Hayoung turned her back toward the scene with a sigh. "Let's go home."

Minju glanced toward Y/n with a heavy frown. Though she sat under the covers with Y/n, the chills of death caused her hairs to stand on its ends. She squeezed his hand, rubbing the back of his hand with her thumb. "Next time, try shocking me with your staff before you stick your hand in my chest," she said in hopes of receiving a chuckle from Y/n.

Y/n nodded hollowly. He stared blankly into the sheets, prompting Minju to pull his head onto her shoulder. "I don't know if I want to do this anymore," Y/n mumbled.

"Do what?" Minju asked softly.

"Any of this. I don't want to lose you again." Y/n squeezed Minju's hand, holding his breath as he let go. "Sorry."

Minju took Y/n's hand back into her own, pulling him closer. "Don't be. You've gone through too much."

Y/n balled his free hand into a fist. "I'm reaching for something I can't even get. Sure I can unite the world, but you're your own person now."

Minju sighed, nodding. "How about we go on a journey together?"

"Together?" Y/n repeated.

"Let's go find some more monsters for you to kill and get stronger with. While you find what you want, I'll be trying to find what I want." Minju met Y/n's eyes as he turned toward her. He questioned what she meant with his eyes, prompting her to respond with a silent, but confident stare.

Minju leaned in, pecking Y/n's cheek. "Meet me on the surface when you're ready to go."

Y/n felt his skin as Minju started toward the door. "What was that?"

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