Chapter Seventy-Two: New Clothes

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Kami slipped from the gravity well, drawing his dagger. In a chilling blur of black, he sliced the magic missiles into threads. Glimmers of light blue sprinkled through the air as if it snowed stardust, running the surrounding officers' blood cold.

Yeeun scoffed, gritting her teeth uneasily. She eyed her teammates through her peripherals, letting off a sharp sigh.

You're kidding, right?

With the wave of her hand, Percival, Genevieve and the rest of her team blinked in front of Chulmoo's shop.

Arrest these two.

"Are you scared I might kill them?" Kami taunted.

"Scared they might fear me after this," Yeeun grinned.

The two parties weaved their hands together, forming respective seals that pooled their power into a single point. In perfect synch, the two condensed spheres expanded like supernovas.

Domain Expansion: Necros
Domain Expansion: Ethereal Nexus

A dark void surrounded both assassins, shifting back to a colorless version of the house they stood behind. The trees swayed naturally in the wind; imprints of Kami's footsteps casted shadows in the ground, but the divets his feet normally create did not interact with the grass.

"You have an impressive grasp on sure-hits," Yeeun remarked.

Kami sheathed his dagger, rolling his shoulders back with a heavy exhale, "Stuff like this is your forte, right? Even when you're even in a contest, you can still benefit from the effects of the buff it gives you."

Yeeun tilted her head, grinning, "You already knew?"

Several decayed hands ruptured the ground, pushing their bodies to the surface. From humans to monsters found in the depths of the dungeon, a large assimilation of Kami's harvests sprouted before him--an army of undead.

"The same goes for me."

Magic circles numbering in the dozens swept in formation behind Yeeun-each raining a great calamity upon Kami's forces. Beams of scorching heat swept through the neighborhood. Spheres of stone, acid, storms, ice and fire imploded before expanding violently. Large fireballs that eclipsed the one-story houses engulfed the fields in fire, leaving no signs of damage to the surrounding terrain.

From the elemental barrage, swarms of reptilian brutes charged Yeeun, forcing her to extend her hand. Like a superheated knife through butter, an invisible wall of force rended the lizards in half.

Kami emerged from the gory mist, slamming his foot into Yeeun's guard. He grappled her wrist, causing multiple magic circles to form around him. Before any could discharge, Kami swapped with a skeleton.

There's really no limit to how many spells she can sling.

With a swipe through the air, Kami pinched three soul tokens between his knuckles, tossing them into the barrage of oncoming fireballs.

Green smoke resembling that of human faces enveloped the flames, turning it black. Unlike the orange hues that dispersed on contact with the domains' surface, the black flames clung to whatever it touched-thralls and environment alike. The fire coated Kami's army, harmlessly dancing among his forces.

"That's not cool..." Yeeun mumbled.

I can't let that stuff touch me or else I'll probably die.

Chulmoo extended Jinju's outfit, wiping the sweat from his brow. "Try this on."

Jinju cached the outfit, seamlessly swiping through her menu before transitioning between clothes. The tightly fit and revealing clothing she once wore turned to light, maintaining only its outline before solidifying into the far more casual clothes.

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