Chapter Sixty-Seven: Butting Heads

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Eunbi crashed into Y/n with a kick, pinning him to the grass with her body before slamming her fists into his face. She gripped his collar once more, gritting her teeth.

"You're a real coward, Ahn Y/n. All you've done is run away. You ran away to the island, and now you're running away from your responsibilities."

"Unnie!!" Chaewon shouted. The radish climbed onto the window frame, falling backward as BYJ pulled the back of her collar.

"Don't interfere."

Y/n caught Eunbi's fist, counter-striking with an uppercut to her jaw. He took a deep breath, grabbing her collar as well.

"Fuck off!!"

With little resistance, Y/n flung the older student off of himself, scrambling to his feet. He wrapped his hand around the air, clicking his tongue as his muscle memory failed to bring results. With the resurfacing weight of his impotence, Y/n charged forward, slamming his fist into Eunbi's guard. Following each punch, Y/n grew more and more aggressive--and less and less refined.

The boy pried Eunbi's guard open, slamming his forehead into her face. No matter how much she tried to pull away, Y/n continued bashing her skull with his. He slammed and slammed against her until his grunts punched him in the throat.

What felt like fists collided with Y/n's body, striking him from every angle possible. It bruised his skin, cracked his bones, and shot a pricking agitation to his brain. Y/n took a deep breath through his teeth, blinking next to Eunbi with lightning crackling at his feet. He spun on his foot, slamming his foot into Eunbi's head. He followed with two kicks to her ribs, throwing her deeper into the field.

"You've always acted like you're better than me!" Y/n shouted. He coughed, gripping his bruised throat, "You always spoke like you were on a pedestal because you're older!! But what have you done?!"

From the academy's building, Leeseo, Heejin, Yan, and multiple other instructors poured onto the field. Other students, including Jisoo, Riwon, Cocona and Kyu, moved toward the fight. All third parties froze as BYJ emerged onto the grassy plane. They stared at the principal, each asking why she allowed the fight to carry on.

Y/n took another deep breath, yet his stomach caved in, forcing him to cough violently. Eunbi charged the boy, throwing him to the ground before grabbing his throat. She strangled the boy, with every ounce of rage she felt, gritting her teeth.

"I almost died, Y/n!! Do you see me being a bitch about it?? Do you?!"

Minju trudged toward the academy, rubbing her eyes. Her feet dragged like cement blocks, and her pristine posture sagged.

Maybe Eunbi unnie will know what to do.

As she walked through the Academy gates, Minju eyed the bodies lining the entrance of the field. Teachers, instructors and students alike murmured amongst each other, drawing Minju toward the crowd.

"Minju ya! It's horrible!!" Hyewon grabbed the younger's shoulders, "There's a fight between Eunbi unnie and Y/n, and the principal won't stop it!!!"

Minju furrowed her eyebrows, peering over Hyewon's shoulder. She paced around the older student, pushing her way through the crowd until she got to the front.

The young fox gasped, holding her hands over her mouth. Eunbi sat on top of Y/n's limp body with her hands around his throat. Blood ran from both students' faces, and bruises blackened their skin.

As if a third party took over Minju's body, she hopped over the wall and dashed toward the two. Time froze for her glowing eyes, and before she realized, Minju stood next to the two. She ripped Eunbi hands from Y/n's neck, tossing the older student away before standing between them.

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