Chapter Twenty-Nine: Y/n

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You yawn as you step from the bathroom. With your right arm straightened vertically and your left bent over your shoulder, you stretch as much as you possibly can. Warmth spreads through your upper back, carrying a refreshing sigh with it.

Equipped with a white t-shirt, gray sweater that previously belonged to your father and a pair of jeans, you give yourself a mental pat on the back.

The soft carpet below carries you to Yujin's room where you find her sleeping soundly. Her heavy breathing signals she has fallen into a deep sleep prompting you to sit at the edge of her bed.

You rub her cheek with your thumb earning a soft smile and lazy mumbles. Yujin gently places her hand on yours, wrapping her fingers around your own.

"Sleep well, Yujinnie." You peck the puppy's forehead before moving to the dinning table.

"Good morning." your mother smiles, "Any missions today?"

"Not today." you reply. "I'm going to pick Minju up."

Your mother gestures toward the stove, "You should eat before you go."

Light whisps of pancakes permeate the air with bacon and eggs coupling alongside the sweet stacks, poking at your stomach.

"I can't." you wave, "We're going to eat together."

Your mother raises an eyebrow alongside the corner of her mouth, "At her house??"

"Out." you correct.

"So a date."

You nod with a slight grin, "Yeah."

"Don't get into any fights!!" your mother shouts as you wedge your finger between your heel and shoe.

"I won't!"

Your heart beats heavily in your chest, matching each of the three knocks on Minju's door. Shortly after, Minju's mother appears behind the door with a smile. "Hello, Y/n. Minju will be out shortly."

You hold your hands to your stomach as you bow, "Good morning, Ms. Kim."

"Good morning. Come in. I don't want you waiting outside."

You oblige, taking your shoes off before making your way to the couch.


You turn to the stairs, widening your eyes. At its base, Minju waved to you in a white dress that matched her pearly smile. The sleeveless attire hugged her waist comfortably with a ribbon attached at her hip. The thin bottom half swept above her knees where a similarly colored pair of shorts could be seen stopping just above the dress' threads.

"Wow..." you breathe. "You went all out..."

Minju spins around, revealing the white ribbon holding threads of her hair back. Soft giggles accompany her pursed smile as she skips next to you.

"Do you like it?"

"I feel underdressed..." you pout.

Minju shook her head with a hint of aegyo, eliciting a skip in your heartbeats. "You're not~ I think you look really good."

"Can you two leave already?" Ms. Kim squinted. "I think I'm gonna barf."

"Mom!!" Minju frowned.

"I'm kidding." she waved dismissively. "Go have fun out there, and make sure you're home by nine."

The soft rays of the eight-o'-clock sun coat your skin with its gentle radiance, pairing with the light breezes and faint smell of grass. Each step you take sways you slightly in your spot as Minju's hold on your arm tugs at your balance.

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