Pt2Ch1: Calm

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"Merry J-mas!!"

Chaewon hugged Eunbi with a large, warm smile. Behind her, Minho bowed his head, making sure not to topple the presents in his hands.

Inside, the rest of the trio's peers spread out through the living room. Leather couches shined as brightly as the polished wooden floors, and a large carpet supported a wide glass coffee table at its center. At the back of the room, a large fir tree sat cozily near the crackling fireplace.

"Wow," Chaewon breathed. "I heard you bought this mansion a few weeks ago, but now that I'm inside... wow..."

"Did Ms. Choi make this for you?" Minho asked.

"Yeah. She charged the hefty sum, but I think it was because she had to fetch the materials herself before she could build it," Eunbi explained.

Chaewon sprinted into the living room, jumping into a hug with Minju. The two Kims swayed in their spot while Y/n approached Minho at the tree. Both boys dapped one another up, grinning.

"What's up, Minho? Did you grow since I last saw you?"

"Does it matter?" Minho's grin grew, "You haven't seemed to close the four inch gap."

"I'm gonna kill you," Y/n chuckled.

"You can talk once you've grown taller than your sister," Bae joined.

Y/n turned to the peanut gallery, pointing, "Shut up! You're only an inch taller than her and I!!"

Laughter filled the room, completing the warm atmosphere. With the whole group together, Yujin pulled a dozen platters from the kitchen. She placed each individual plate on the coffee table, revealing an array of dishes.

"Last time we ate together was what... when Y/n came back to the academy?" Hyewon asked.

"The first or second time?" Yena joked.

Minho turned to Hitomi and Eunbi, "That reminds me. Did you two clear out your schedules to visit Ms. Ezaki's grave with me? The three year anniversary is coming up soon."

The two nodded. Despite the heavy topic, the group ate with an warmhearted air around them. Whether it be because of the peaceful mood, or because the group of fifteen hadn't gotten together in a while, everyone felt at ease.

"Unnie! I'm not a child anymore!!" Liz pouted.

Hyewon pinched the small cat's cheeks, "You're still a little baby in my heart~"

Liz crossed her arms, "Why isn't Rei treated the same way I am..."

"'Cause Rei was a bitch when she was younger," Hitomi replied.

The room fell silent, save for a few who choked on their food. Y/n and Minho glanced toward Bae who scratched his head with a suppressed smile.

"She's not wrong," Rei chuckled. "Every now and then I feel really bad about how I was like back then."

"At least you're not like your sister," Y/n mumbled aloud.

The group laughed, loosening the slight tension in the air. As they finished eating, Eunbi, Chaewon, Minju and Rei took the dishes to the kitchen. The rest of the group melted into the couch and floor in anticipation for the next part of the party.

"So..." Y/n turned to Bae with a smirk, "How are you two?"

Bae held his thumb out with an affirming smile, "Going a year strong."

Cheers floated through the air, growing the smile on Bae's face. From atop one of the many couches, Nako let off a heavy sigh.

"I wish there were more guys in our class."

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