Pt2Ch47: Dragonforge II

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Riwon clapped her hands, switching her and Hyungseo's position--placing her atop a hydra head. With the draw of her blade, energy spread in a flat plane around her, taking the form of a galaxy. Riwon parried the pseudo-hydra's flames, slicing into its scales with the same motion. Though she sliced deep enough to sever its spine, the wound regenerated, forcing Riwon to leap off the head.

Hyungseo sprinted along the room, transforming her weapon into a glaive. She skidded next to the pseudo-hydra's base, carving into its flesh. With the grace of a seasoned warrior, Hyungseo danced around the pseudo-hydra's trunk, taking advantage of its immotile nature.

Lightning coursed around Riwon's left hand as she sheathed her katana. A spear formed in the same hand--its tip glowing a brilliant blue. With a deep breath, Riwon hurled the spear, piercing one of the pseudo-hydra's heads. A thunder cloud formed above the spear, stringing a bolt between itself and the weapon. With blinding flash and a deafening boom, the pseudo-hydra's head severed from its neck.

Before she could draw her blade, a condensed purple ball collided with Riwon, launching her into the cavern's walls. Riwon fell to the ground, clutching her side. Though the attack itself left her unphased, the collision with the wall shattered the bones in her right arm. Riwon stood on her feet, panting. Her right arm dangled at her side, and a trail of blood ran down the side of her head.

She drew her sword in reverse grip, slashing through a second fire sphere. Two streams of violet flames converged atop Riwon, illuminating the cavern. Riwon leapt from the flames grimacing at her minor burns. She landed atop another of the pseudo-hydra's heads, slashing downward.

Seconds later, Hyungseo bounded off the ground, slicing into the same head. Before the head could seal its wounds, Riwon called down a smite, cauterizing the pseudo-hydra's flesh.

Unnie's ghost is way slower than me. She can't keep up...

Riwon sprinted along the pseudo-hydra's neck, slicing through its skin as she ran. Drawing upon the conduit's coalesced experiences, Riwon sheathed her sword. She pooled energy into her fingertips, drawing a seal into the air. As she finished, the white hue shifted to blue, creating a water whip in her hand.

Riwon wrapped the whip around the main head's teeth, swinging underneath it and to another. While Hyungseo distracted the other of the two lesser heads, Riwon skewered her katana into the monster's skull. With the withdrawal of her hand from the handle, a bolt of lightning struck from above.

With little time to catch her breath, Riwon formed another seal, coating her left side in water. She braced herself for an oncoming blast of fire--reeling as the lesser head flung her off. Riwon caught herself on her feet, panting. With a new katana in hand, she charged the pseudo-hydra once more.

My body can't keep up with what I can do. What should I do...?

Determination boiled in Riwon's eyes. A blue layer of energy wrapped around her skin, peeling off as she leapt into a fire blast from the main head. For a fleeting moment, Riwon held her breath in thought. She dismissed her katana, forming her left hand into a hand seal.

Art of War, Calamity Tier-Four: Hyperclock

Time slowed to a stop in Riwon's eyes as the main head peered into her soul. Riwon dropped to the ground, rushing to retrieve her bone katana. With each passing second, Riwon felt the lysis of her cells. She took a deep breath, slicing off the first of three heads.

Riwon rushed to the second lesser head, severing in a similar fashion before directing her attention to the final head. She leapt into the air, priming her sword to slay the monster. But, before she could reach her destination, time resumed.

Deus Didymus: RendTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang