Pt2Ch62: Starship III

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Minju laid on top of Y/n, pressing him against the bed with her weight. With her arms wrapped around his neck, she relished the taste of his lips. The couple's wellsprings reached out toward one another, creating the third connection between their bodies.

"You know, I didn't think we'd still be using this hole after Daehyun was born," Y/n commented.

"I actually like it a lot more," Minju giggled.

As she swayed her hips, the door opened revealing Liz's unamused face. She eyed the shape of their bodies underneath their covers before covering her eyes. "Oppa. Mr. Baekhyun says he wants to see you on the surface—and just you."

"Do I have to go now?" Y/n asked.

"Probably." Liz quickly closed the door, muttering to herself, "Why are those two always doing it...? Are they rabbits?"

Y/n emerged onto the capital surface where a large temple took the place of IZLand's castle. Dozens of people bound by their hands and feet with potato sacks over their heads kneeled with their backs toward the large statue. In front of them, Baekhyun watched Y/n approach with a smile.

"My... your wellspring is incredible!" Baekhyun remarked. "I have some more people I need you to execute."

"More...?" Y/n glanced toward the group, scratching his head. "Why so many?"

Energy glossed over Baekhyun's eyes. He patted Y/n's shoulder before walking behind him. "I had to postpone all of them as we grabbed them one-by-one because you were either gone or busy."

"I see... Sorry about that," Y/n mumbled.

"I'll leave the rest to you," Baekhyun waved.

Y/n summoned a battleaxe to his hand. He took a deep breath before walking to the first in line. Y/n pressed his foot against the woman's back, causing her to lean forward. She whimpered in fear, muttering to herself, "Yujin... I hope you're safe. Dad will find you soon."

The woman's words passed under Y/n's ears as he sliced her head off. Without remorse, Y/n cleaved through and sundered heads from their bodies. While doing so, he felt strangely hollow. None of it felt good, but Y/n also didn't feel bad for ending the lives of fathers, mothers and children. All he felt was an unwavering dedication toward Baekhyun and the cause.

Y/n turned his head to a nearby watchtower. The presence he felt atop the structure disappeared prompting him to return back underground. As if walking into his bedroom cleansed him, Y/n smiled softly at Minju's greeting. In her arms she cradled Daehyun while he suckled on her breast.

"I'm jealous," Y/n squinted.

Minju gestured toward her other breast with a grin. "I have a second one."

"I was just kidding." Y/n slipped into bed, caressing Daehyun's soft head with his hand. Blood stained his hand causing Y/n to pull his hand back, yet when he looked at it, there was no sign of red.

"What's wrong?" Minju asked.

"N-Nothing," Y/n sighed. "I thought I saw something."

Y/n clutched his head, groaning. A disorienting wave crashed down atop Y/n's head as if two opposing forces fought in his mind. Y/n turned toward Minju's worried stare. "What happened?"

"I don't know. You just came back from seeing Baekhyun and started acting weirdly." Minju pressed the back of her hand against Y/n's forehead. "You don't have a fever..."

"Maybe I just need a walk," Y/n mumbled.

Y/n strolled through the hideout greeting the lower ranking members. Toward the southern end of the base Y/n found Liz training with a group of female members. In her hand, a familiar single-edged sword parried and blocked her opponent's spear.

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