Chapter Thirty: Minju

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Minju slid her fingers across Y/n's arm, interlocking her hands with his. She took a deep breath as they parted only to reconnect again. And again. And again.

The short kiss they shared turned into an enchanting and intoxicating make-out. Every time they parted, the pair of lips seemed to find their way back to each other. They locked together like two pieces of a puzzle, and danced like Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers.

As they parted one final time, Minju opened her eyes, meeting Y/n's gentle orbs.

Oh my god!!! We just kissed!!!!

"That was magical..." Minju breathed.

Y/n tightened his hold on Minju's hands, smiling, "You're a surprisingly good kisser."

"You too." Minju released her hands from Y/n's grasp, using them to pull him closer until she pecked his cheek. "Imagine if we were reassigned onto the same team~"

"That would be the best." Y/n chuckled.

Minju repositioned herself, turning her back away from Y/n's chest. She pulled her dress above her shorts before resting her knees on his thighs. "Then we could hang out more--make up for the time we lost."

"On the other side of that," Y/n pulled Minju's shoulder against his chest, rubbing her other shoulder with his hands, "Do you remember the first days of the academy when we met each other?"

"I tried so hard to sit next to you at the restaurant!!" Minju exclaimed, "I was so stressed!!!"

"Me too!!" Y/n burst into laughter, "I was so sad when you weren't on my team!"

Minju placed her head on Y/n's shoulder, "When did you start liking me?"

"When I first saw you." Y/n grinned.


"I think I'm going to barf."

Y/n and Minju whisked their heads to the voice's source, eyeing Xiaoting.

"Ms. Shen...?" Y/n widened his eyes. "What's up?"

"I was going to ask you two if you were free since you were here, but I now regret approaching you and your shit eating grin."

Y/n furrowed an eyebrow, "Free? Were you going to ask us to do something?"

"Kami's team reported a group of criminals outside the wall, and he asked me to take one of you second years for field experience." Xiaoting explained.

"Which one of us were you going to take?" Minju questioned.

Xiaoting eyed the couple, squinting, "I was planning on taking both of you, but I'd rather find someone else."

The instructor left before either students could say a word, leaving behind an awkward silence. The wind blew soft whispers between the couple until enough time passed to dampen the silence.

"Oh yeah. I bought these from the old lady earlier." Y/n pulled the pair of jewelry from his pocket, wrapping the necklace around his neck.

The ring slid snugly onto Minju's left ring finger causing her eyes to widen.


"I won't ask now, but it'll be a promise." Y/n replied softly. "She said these will help protect us, and since they're supposed to be for Ms. Jang and Mr. Park, I believe it."

"Supposed to be..." Minju trailed. "What do you mean??"

Y/n thumbed the ruby, "These gems were apparently given to the vendor by Ms. Jang. She didn't name drop her, but the purple hair, red eyes and rabbit features gave her away."

"So how did you get it?"

"The lady just gave it to me." Y/n shrugged.

Minju stared at her ring, huffing with a soft smile. "Well, I might as well go by Ahn Minju now."

Y/n furrowed his eyebrows, "But that's not-"

"It's how it works in the fairy tales, and I think it's romantic." Minju interrupted.

"What about Kim?" Y/n questioned. "Kim Y/n has a nice ring to it."

"Chaewon unnie has that last name too. Same with Gaeul, Dayeon and Liz. It's too common." Minju waved.

Y/n pinched his chin, "That's true..."

Minju whisked her head, locking eyes with Y/n's. "You better keep your promise with me. After we graduate from the academy, we're going to get married, move in together, and have three children."

"Right after we graduate...?" Y/n chuckled, "Aren't we going to be too young? Plus, three children?"

"I'm not compromising with the three children, but we can wait until we're adults."

Y/n gave off a soft chortle before patting Minju's shoulder. "Okay, okay. Let's head to my house."

"Y-Your house...?" Minju stumbled. Her face turned a light pink hue. "What are we going there for?"

"I want to lay down somewhere that won't dirty your dress."

As she followed Y/n along the dirt paths, Minju held her hand over her chest.

I'm actually going to his house... This is a first... Oh my god what if we do more than kiss today?! Am I going to get pregnant???

Minju silently trailed the boy through his house, bowing nervously to his mother. She fiddled with her thumbs behind Y/n while he fluffed his pillows.

"Since Yujinnie is out in a mission, I guess you'll see her later today. Do you want something to drink-"

"I can't do this."

Y/n turned his head with a confused stare. "What... What do you mean?"

Minju stepped back, "I can't go in your bed with you. If I go in, and we cuddle, I'm going to get pregnant. I-I know I said I wanted children, but I didn't think it'd happen this fast-"


Minju lifted her head, meeting Y/n's amused gaze.

"You don't know how babies are made, do you..."

The fox girl gulped, "When a mommy and daddy love each other..."

Y/n tugged Minju into his bed, pulling her close to his chest. His chuckles reverberated through his clothes and rhythmically into Minju's head.

"Babies are made in a different way, and we're not going to do any of that anytime soon."

She closed her eyes, taking in the soothing sensation of Y/n's voice through the vibrations in his chest.

"We can cuddle as much as we want freely without worrying about you getting pregnant."

Minju lifted her gaze, "Do you promise?"

"I promise." Y/n grinned, pecking his girlfriend's crown as he ran his fingers through her hair. "You will stay innocent as long as possible."

"But I want to become an assassin." Minju pouted.

"Is that what you really want to do?"

She nodded.

"Then you can do that. But you'll still keep some innocence." Y/n replied. His voice grew gentler and slower-as did his fingers.

"What are you going to do when you graduate, Oppa?" Minju questioned.

"Probably the front lines." Y/n mumbled.

Minju's frown grew larger prompting her to dig her face into Y/!ms chest. "You'll be in more danger than me..."

"It's okay." Y/n breathed. "I'll stay alive so I can protect you. We'll be like Mr. Park and Ms. Jang... A team..."

The energetic boy she grew accustomed to slowly drifted off, earning a smile from Minju. She slid from his arms, leveling her eyes with his.

"I love you, Oppa."

Minju pecked the sleeping boy's forehead before pulling his face close to her heart. She cradled the back of his head with her arms and twirled his hair around her fingers as she too drifted off to sleep.

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