Pt2Ch17: Close Call

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Hayoung thrusted her sword toward Yuri's heart, yet before she could make contact, an apparition grabbed the blade--stopping it in its tracks. John yanked Yuri from Hayoung's grasp, forcing the swordsman to leap back. 

"This is bad," Hayoung mumbled.

"Kill those two gods damnit!!" Yuri screamed. "Don't just stand there!!!"

Suddenly, the air darkened with a familiar aura to both Hayoung and Daeun. The former took a reassured breath, straightening her back while the latter took a defensive stance. 

John shook his head, "It's too late. There's only one thing we can do." 

"What?" Yuri questioned.

The tall man spun on his heel, cradling Yuri in his arms, "Run away!!!" 

As the two disappeared, Kami landed in front of the two girls. He surveyed the area before turning toward Hayoung. "Are you two okay?"

Kwangsun sprinted from around the corner. Wails seeped through Kami's coat as the boy hugged his father's leg. Behind Hayoung, Daeun shakily sheathed her sword into her palm. With the adrenaline no longer pumping through her blood, fear sank into her nerves.

"Unnie... who were those people?" 

Eunbi adjusted the collar of her white undershirt, letting off a soft sigh. Adorned with a design of white lines, she wore a short, black buttoned-up jacket with silver buttons that dropped to her hips where a simple black pleated skirt shrouded her thighs. A pair of brown, laced leather boots hugged her feet and legs comfortably, stopping short of her knees.

"Unnie!!" Chaewon waved. "Are you excited for your first day?" 

"You don't have to teach," Eunbi frowned. "I said I'd become an instructor because I don't want more idiots like Y/n running around."

Chaewon waved her hand dismissively, "I think it'd be nice to do. Plus, with the new uniforms..."

The radish imagined her boyfriend in the instructor's male uniform. A black trench coat adorned with silver buttons draped over a similarly colored jacket, revealing the white collared undershirt and black tie.

Emblems of IZLand's academy sat woven into the breast of both instructors' jackets, proudly displaying their rank. Chaewon observed the bulge in Eunbi's chest, glancing toward her chest with a frown.

"Don't tell me you're worried about how you look," Eunbi squinted.

"I'm not!!" Chaewon chuckled nervously. "Why would I? I have a boyfriend! Speaking of which--let's go see him!!"

The pair made their way through the building and toward the instructor's lounge. Three rows of cubicles filled the center of the room. Chaewon shrieked, throwing herself at Minho. Down the row, Yan watched the couple while Xiaoting skimmed the list of incoming students. 

"Enough, love birds," Xiaoting groaned. "Ms. Seo's almost done with the introductions." 

Both Kims cleared their throats while they straightened themselves. They followed Xiaoting to the academy field where ten students stood next to one another. Among the new faces, two tall figures stared at Chaewon with wide eyes.

What the fuck-?!

Minho peeked through the corner of his eye as Chaewon turned her head away from the batch. He scanned the students, identifying a pair that stared holes directly through the radish. 

"Son Donghyun, please step forward." Youngeun gestured toward Minho, "You will show us your allele against Mr. Kim here."

Deus Didymus: RendKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat