Chapter Seventy-Eight: Wrestling

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Minju awoke underneath the academy tree with her face to the sparkling obsidian sky. Leaves rustled in the soft moonlight, whispering a sweet sonnet orchestrated by the breeze. Aching pains shot through her body, yet she felt relaxed. Between the breeze, cool atmosphere, and Y/n's legs underneath her head, the only word she could think of was 'serene'.

"Did I die?" Minju mumbled.

"No," Y/n replied.

"Then why do I feel so happy?"

Y/n chuckled, "Maybe you were hit too hard. It's happened to me before."

"Ya-" Minju sighed, smiling, "That's not what I was talking about."

She sat up, locking eyes with Y/n. Their pupils dilated in response to the other's gaze, revealing and more and more of their lovestruck smiles.

"How long has it been since we were last under this tree?" Y/n asked.

"Too long."

Minju pressed her cheek against Y/n's, spreading warmth through their jewelry. Small hums filled the air as she pulled him away from the tree's trunk and into a hug. To her surprise, Y/n leaned in with the hug, causing the two to tumble down the hill.

The two giggled at the bottom of the slope with Y/n propping himself up just above Minju. Their faces hovered just a pucker away from a kiss, painting both of their cheeks pink.

"Are you okay, Oppa?" Minju smiled.

Y/n scoffed, "I'm more worried about you. You're more fragile."

"Fragile?" Minju rolled Y/n onto his back, pinning him to the grass. "Are you sure?"

Y/n struggled to break free of the fox's trap, spreading a smirk across her face.

"This is my domain, babe~"

Minju pressed her lips against Y/n's, ceasing his struggle. A jolt of static struck the couple's brains, sending dopamine rushing through their bodies.

The pieces of jewelry they wore pulled their minds closer and closer until both psyches melded together-sharing and empowering one another's experience. For just a second, Y/n felt the kiss through Minju's body, and Minju through Y/n's.

Through this overlap, the couple's hearts synched. Minju allowed Y/n's hands to slip free and interlock with her own, solidifying their connection. Their breathing grew shallow and faster as their kisses grew with passion; passion mixed with love, and love turned to ecstasy.

Y/n placed his hands on Minju's hips, flipping her on her back, but the fox quickly pinned Y/n back onto the ground. She straddled atop Y/n's stomach, giggling.

"You want to try again?"

"I'm going to win," Y/n grumbled.

Minju pecked Y/n's forehead before pressing it against her own. "In your dreams."

Y/n took a sharp breath. Small arcs of lightning crackled between the couple's clothes while Y/n sat up, causing Minju to fall backward.

"See? You're going to admit defeat soon enough."

Minju wrapped her legs around Y/n's torso. Her eyes glowed affectionately, allowing her to flip Y/n over her body. She pinned him with a straddle once more, pecking his cheek.

"Make me~" she cooed.

With another breath, Y/n stood upright. He watched and felt Minju slither around him like a snake, stiffening as her weight shifted from one side to another. Before he could think of a way out, Minju wrapped her legs around Y/n's head, throwing him to the ground.

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