Chapter Thirty-Nine: Separation

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The boss stumbled backward, "Y-You!!!"

"Missed me?" Hayoung grinned.


Hayoung knocked the boss unconscious, sighing as she sheathed her sword. She quickly placed Y/n's unconscious head on her lap, taking a deep breath before muttering an incantation to herself.

A veil of soft green light enveloped Y/n, slowly closing the wounds littered across his body.

"Who are you?"

Hayoung followed the voice to Minho. She eyed him cautiously, shifting her gaze to Chaewon, and then Minju sprinting toward her.


Minho raised his arm causing the fox to stop in her tracks. "She's healing him."

Minju glared at the older woman. Jealousy coursed through her eyes, but her heart restrained her from snatching Y/n away.

"I'm Oh Hayoung. I trained with this guy at home." Hayoung replied. "Who are you?"

The three students' eyes widened, earning an eyebrow raise from Hayoung.

Minju crossed her arms, "I'm his girlfriend."

Hayoung's jaw dropped, "He has a girlfriend?! Since when??"

"Since before he went to your island." the fox replied.

"I can't believe this loser has a girlfriend." Hayoung scoffed. "How about the other two?"

"I'm Kim Chaewon, and this is Kim Minho." Chaewon gestured.

A grin grew on Hayoung's face. "Minho? Like the Minho?"

Minho raised an eyebrow, "Has Hyung talked about me-?" He leaned backward, narrowly dodging Hayoung's jab.

"So you are as good as he says." Hayoung breathed.

Minju and Chaewon gasped as Hayoung barraged the younger boy with a series of punches.

"What are you doing?!" Chaewon shouted.

"Measuring him up!!" Hayoung shouted back. "Just a quick sparring match!"

The two students anxiously watched Hayoung pressure their classmate. She threw punches they struggled to track and parried into counterattacks that would have tagged them.

"I've never seen Minho ya struggle so much..." Chaewon frowned.

Minho stumbled backward clutching his wrist.

I blocked her punch, but why does it hurt so much...? How did Hyung train with her?

He raised his arm once more, eyeing Hayoung's incoming punch. Her fist swept downward, dragging the boy's eyes with it. Mere moments passed before the gears in Minho's head clicked.

That wasn't a punch-

Hayoung spun on her heel, slamming her foot into the boy's guard, sending him to the ground.

"You're not bad!" she grinned. "Better than Y/n at least."

Minho grabbed the older girl's outstretched hand, pulling himself to his feet. "Thanks."

"That means I've proved myself! I'm stronger than your entire class!!" Hayoung cheered.

The three students turned toward each other before turning back to the jumping girl.

"Y/n's sister might be a harder match for you." Chaewon commented.

"Yeah, yeah." Hayoung waved confidently. "Telekinesis. I know about that. I've got a good counter for it."

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