Chapter Forty: The Dungeon

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Kami navigated fluidly through the menus, flashing his eyes with strobes of light.

Park Sumin. One hundred fifty centimeters. Female. Age: eighteen; born May twentieth, nineteen ninety-six. Hair: brown. Eyes: black. Class: White Mage.

He stared intently at the class text, squinting at the unfamiliar term.

White mage... Mage... Mages from kids books are people who can command magic and incantations. She has a magic based class? If I'm a rogue, I focus on stealth and assassinations. That means she is a long ranged combatant. What does the white mean...?

Kami wracked his brain. He pinched his chin, smiling as the pieces came together.

Healer. She's a healer. She said she couldn't see the man moving, so that means she's not a combatant.

The young man returned to his profile, eyeing his level.

There are levels that indicate tiers of strength. Yet, I don't abide by these levels? Jinju is level four, and I am level one. Is there a catch? Skills... Is skill a factor alongside one's physical capabilities? That wouldn't make sense; a thousand different weak slaps are still weak slaps. I don't remember what skills I have. How do I level up then?

Soon, the sun rose causing Kami to sigh. "You can stop hiding."

"Is that so?" a voice scoffed. "You really are as dangerous as the snowy rabbit says."

A figure wrapped in tight black robes materialized in the corner opposite of Kami. He crossed his arms, "If you knew I was here, how come you didn't do anything?"

"You weren't going to do anything to me if I didn't do anything." Kami replied.

The figure nodded, "That's fair. I saw you were navigating your dropdown the entire night though. What were you doing?"

Kami waved his fingers vertically, opening and closing the menu. "Familiarizing myself with the system. Speaking of which, how do levels work?"

"Quit messing with me." the figure glared.

"I am not."

"Where are you from?"

"I don't remember."

"Do you remember anything?"


The figure sighed. "You level up by gathering experience. That's either through quests, slaying monsters in the dungeon, or doing something related to combat."

"Where's the dungeon?" Kami asked, his eyes glued to the map splayed before him.

"In the center of the city. Normally, I'd recommend weaklings either stay away from the dungeon and do quests first, or find a party, but you're definitely not normal." the figure explained.

Kami zoomed into the map, placing a marker on the building identified as the dungeon. "Can you tell me more about the dungeon?"

The figure stared at the ceiling, "Let's see... There are monsters in there. Monsters galore. They kind of just spawn in there. We don't know why. The lower you go, the stronger they get. When you kill them, they drop stones that can be traded in for cash as well as potentially other loot that you can use to craft items. The dungeon is also where a majority of our resources come from. Food, water, building materials, everything. Since the stuff in there spawns and regenerates infinitely, we've found a way to make use of it."

A brief silence fell between the two parties before Kami slid out of bed.

"Where are you going?" the figure questioned.

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