Pt2Ch6: Twice

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Minju lifted her head as a chill swept through the supply shed. She slipped atop the building with her eyes trained on the forest's edge. From the foliage, a hooded figure stepped into the open space. They walked from building to building, observing the bloodstained ground and makeshift graves created.

The figure stopped before the grand storage building. Despite hiding with her allele, the figure tracked Minju's movements-locking eyes with her. The fox's hair stood on its ends as the figure disappeared.

"Who are you?" Jinju questioned.

A cloud of condensate swept through the air and against Minju's neck. Energy flowed through the fox as she swung Yeseo behind her. With little resistance, Jinju's caught Minju's wrist. She drew her own sword from her cloak, pressing it against Minju's stomach.

"Last chance," the woman exhaled. Her soft, cold tone pricked at Minju's skin, causing the fox to tremble. "Who are you?"

Minju pursed her lips. She grit her teeth while Jinju slid her blade into her stomach. It slowly penetrated her body, but also avoided anything vital.

"I won't fall for your bluff," Minju blurted.


Jinju pulled her blade back, immediately swiping at Minju's neck--faster than the fox could see. Before the edge of her blade met Minju's skin, a hand reached out from Jinju's shadow, catching the woman's wrist.

Kami stepped from the shadows, causing Minju's eyes to widen. His visage felt familiar, but his demeanor resembled nothing like the old instructor she knew. He looked at her as if she were a stranger, and an overwhelming aura permeated from him--reminding Minju of her late pillar.

"That sword. It's familiar," Kami started. "Speak."

"Mr-Mr. Shin!!" Minju struggled to break free, prompting Jinju to tighten her grasp. "It's me, Kim Minju!!!"

"I don't recognize that name," Kami replied coldly. "But I recognize the signature coming from that sword. Tell me about it."

"Ms. Kang made this sword before she died. Commander Lee told me her soul is in it," Minju explained.

Kami clutched his head, causing Jinju to turn in worry. He sighed as he stood straight, shaking his head, "I can't remember..."

"Did you lose your memories?" Minju questioned.

"You know too much," Jinju growled.

While Kami prepared to return to the shadows, Jinju cocked her hand back. She snapped Minju's wrist, aiming for the finishing blow with her other hand.


The two hanams' heads turned. Jinju stopped her attack, and Kami's dull expression loosened.

"I told you not to kill people with this uniform!" Yeeun scolded. "She's an ally."

Jinju stepped back, wiping her blade. She sheathed it, letting off a sigh. "Well, now we know what the uniforms look like."

"Yeah, after traumatizing this poor girl," Yeeun frowned.

Minju fell backward, panting. She couldn't sense them, but the pressure from the trio suffocated the fox.

"Look," Yeeun gestured. The woman crossed her arms, "She's bleeding, her wrist is broken, and she's hyperventilating. Say sorry."

The couple bowed their heads. Without another word, Kami returned to the shadows, and Jinju slipped into the forest.

"Those two..." Yeeun muttered. "Are you okay, little one?"

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